Recap AMA Bot Ocean x Vietnam Coin Market Community
Hubert: Hello everyone,
Only 5 minutes left and the AMA event of BOT OCEAN will be started
The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and BOT OCEAN project’s representative is @dragosL and @loretincu.
Translator: @nguyetvcm
Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.
After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.
How’s everything going?
Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session
Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:
1 — Say hello, introduce the project
2 — AMA moderator asks the project 5 questions that will be selected first.
3 — Ask the community (unmute the channel and let the community ask questions freely on telegram. Then the guests will choose about 10 good questions to answer)
4 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer
You must complete the task at this Tweet. All violations will result in cancellation of AMA results:
Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.
Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @dragosL and @loretincu.
Mrs Lorena Tincu: Hi everyone! Thanks for inviting us and look forward to seeing your questions.
Mr Dragos Lipa: Hello everyone, thanks for having us today.
Hubert: Welcome! It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.
Hubert: Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?
Mrs Lorena Tincu: I’m an automations engineer and have been a developer for the past 6 years; my experience spans from working on large teams that iterated on live products to building new ones from scratch. I’ve been involved both in startups and large companies but I’m now fully dedicating my time to Orka & Bot Ocean.
My specialization as a software engineer lies in machine learning & AI but over the years I’ve learned to become well-rounded enough to be involved in all the various parts of building an application. With the help of everyone else on the team it’s actually been quite fun to build the whole infrastructure for Orka and now Bot Ocean so it’s something I definitely see myself doing for the years to come.
Mr Dragos Lipa: Sure! My name is Dragos and I studied in Geneva for my Bachelor Degree in BBA. Back in 2013 I initially started mining BTC with a small home setup but that quickly turned into a spiral which eventually concluded with me picking up trading and ever since then I’ve been doing that pretty much full time. After so many years though, I figured there must be a better way to trade, especially in a market that works 24/7 so that led to Orka Labs which is an algo trading fund. for whoever is interested.
Hubert: Welcome!
Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
What makes the BOT OCEAN project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Mr Dragos Lipa: BotOcean is our way of sharing with people something we’ve built and we know works. We already own Orka Labs ( ) which is an algorithmic trading fund and for that, we built our own proprietary tools and having gone through the whole ordeal and knowing what it means we decided to open this up to people and allow them to build their own strategies with 0 coding skills. It really went from one checkpoint to another. From mining to trading, from trading to automation, and finally from having something that works to share it with people. We already have an initial live demo which you can see here: but I can also walk you through some of the things in there if you want. Please note that is just a demo, it is by no means the final design or functionalities. It’s there just to give you an idea about the product.
I will send the pitch deck as well.
Yes, also I would like to add that we will make some of the strategies that we use at Orka available on the platform right from the launch to check out some of the strategies performance.
Hubert: Do you need any additional information for this question? If not, we will come to the next question sir.
Mr Dragos Lipa: No
We can move on
Hubert: Thanks for this impressive information. We will go over the next question.
Who are some business partner/clients for BOT OCEAN?
Mrs Lorena Tincu: Right now we are partnered up with Orka Labs which will be providing some free profitable strategies right off the bat for BotOcean users and with HYVE. Additionally, we are working on a few other partnerships at the moment but they are still to be announced.
Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.
Hubert: We will come to the next question:
What are the memorable milestones of BOT OCEAN in the research and development process?
Mr Dragos Lipa: So far we have worked a lot on the development of the project, we currently have 7 people working full time on the project. The next big step is launching the platform. We expect this to happen in the next 2 months, we are working really hard to make this happen. We use lots of technology from Orka Labs so the development goes really smoothly. We will also refresh the landing page on on 21.10.2020 when we will open pre-access register.
Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.
Thank you. What does BOT OCEAN plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Mrs Lorena Tincu: First of all, we will be opening up the pre-registration very soon with the new website revamp, so people will already be able to register for our upcoming platform which is going to be released quite soon as well. Now leaving that aside we already have a full marketing campaign in place but we haven’t kicked it off yet simply because we want to do so after we put up the new website and in addition to this we also need to finish some important negotiations with various individuals and entities before doing so.
On another hand, do keep in mind that we will be offering profitable strategies from Orka from day 1 so I’d say that’s already a high enough incentive for people to sign-up as soon as they find out about it.
Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @dragosL and @loretincu for bringing the above useful information.
Next, the Vietnam Coin Market team (VCM) will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 3 min to ask. The BOT OCEAN project will then choose 5 questions to answer.
Let’s give some mins for @dragosL and @loretincu to choose 10 questions to answer.
@dragosL and @loretincu, you may proceed now.
Question 1. Trading bots existed already when Bot ocean came into the scene. What is special in the ecosystem of Bot ocean that could really ‘revolutionize’ DeFi Trading?
First of all, Bot Ocean allows users to make their own bots with a drag & drop interface making the whole process much easier. Leaving that aside, we have our own backtester and soon our own custom indicator creator tool and that’s just naming the big things.
Question 2. At the moment , where you are focusing right now ? building and developing product or getting customers and users, or partnerships ? Could you share it?
At the moment we are focusing on building the platform, we plan on launching the product in the next quarter so we are really trying our best to achieve that. For the moment we have a partnership with Hyve, but there are more to come in the near future.
Question 3. Asides professional traders, can a crypto noobs make use of Bot Ocean ? How easy is it for those with little experience of blockchain technology?
Yes, if creating a strategy is too hard for you, then you can simply copy one of the succesful traders on the platform. Additionally, all strategies are graded by our system, letting you know what you can expect from using it and how risky it is.
Question 4. How will your project generate profits / income to sustain your project and what is the revenue model?
How will it benefit your investors and your project?
BotOcean will charge users based on a mechanism similar to what you find on an exchange: transaction fees. Each time the bot places a trade we charge a commision based on your volume. This way you only pay for what you use, we think it’s the best way for everyone.
Question 5. Considering that botocean focus mainly is a bring a better trading experience, How many types of Markets you Will offer? Leveraged , Options and Spot?
There will no be limitations in terms of the trading options we offer in the long-term but at first we will only be offering Spot and Futures.
Question 6. Is the way your BOT works and the market strategies provided by your platform customizable according to the interests and needs of each user? Or do you have a generalized mechanism?
Each user can build his own bot with its own custom specifications.
Question 7. In the first tweet of your profile you said that with BotOcean “the DeFi commercial revolution is here”. What would be, in your opinion, the most revolutionary innovation that you are introducing in the DeFi industry with your project?
Allowing people to both have a passive income by copying succesful strategies developed by other users and also being themselves able to develop a strategy without extensive coding experience.
Question 8. — Is it possible to propose trading strategies to be implemented in the bot? Can users copy the strategies of others? How is the interconnection between BotOcean users?
- Are all Bot strategies implemented by the BotOcean team? Is it possible to modify these strategies to suit each user?
There will be a whole section on the website named Marketplace, where users will be able to share their strategies with other users and earn a profit, basically rent them to other users.
At the beginning we will implement some of the strategies that we have at Orka Labs on the platform so we give users a way to start. Alternatively you can also create a strategy using only drag&drop instead of programming, which lowers the barrier to entry by a lot.
Question 9. For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?
We’ve already built Orka Labs, we simply wanted to give something back to the community by building Bot Ocean.
Question 10. Although Bot Ocean offers many solutions, it is quite complicated for mainstream users to use. How do you plan to make the platform easier to use for new users? Have you focused on UI/UX?
At the moment we have a whole team working on the UI/UX of the platform. We are confident that we can come up with a great interface. We will also refresh the landing page as well and open registrations for pre-access on the 21.10.2020, so just follow us.
Question 11. What is the most ambitious goal of the project? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any upcoming updates? What should the community look for?
Making sure that anyone in the world can consistently increase his wealth year over year through just a few clicks while also giving professional traders and investors a way to both better show their skills and make a profit off of them while still benefitting everyone else.
Question 12. — Is it possible to propose trading strategies to be implemented in the bot? Can users copy the strategies of others? How is the interconnection between BotOcean users?
- Are all Bot strategies implemented by the BotOcean team? Is it possible to modify these strategies to suit each user?
Yes to the first two questions. They can interact freely without much restriction.
No, we simply offer some of them as freebies, most are built by other users like yourself. And yes you can build your own strategies.
Question 13. Currently a lot of crypto investors use phones to work, so does BOTOCEAN have a plan to develop a platform on IOS or ANDROID?
Yes, Bot Ocean will be mobile-responsive at first and then eventually have its own app.
Question 14. Botocean have the possibility to integrate trading bots built in others platforms? Or give me possibility of create my own trading bot version?
Yes, you will be able to easily do that.
Question 15. I’m a white hat hacker in internet, do you think #your system is secure enough from hackers? Does your project have a program that rewards individual vulnerability detection of the system?
We will be launching such a program, yes, however, we also have CTF enthusiasts in our team, including one that has won quite a few international competitions so it might be a bit difficult to find problems. Still, we wish you all the luck and we’ll let you know when we release our first bug bounty.
Question 16. Asides professional traders, can a crypto noobs make use of Bot Ocean ? How easy is it for those with little experience of blockchain technology?
Yes, they can use the marketplace to just rent out a strategy that fits their risk profile. They don’t need to deal with anything other than monitoring, the platform takes care of the rest.
Question 17. How to use BotOcean bot trading?
Do API key requires?
Also how eficient the trading fees?
Using the API key is enough as long as the exchange is integrated, yes. As for trading fees, it depends on your volume and whether you pay in tokens or not.
Question 18. Currently a lot of crypto investors use phones to work, so does BOTOCEAN have a plan to develop a platform on IOS or ANDROID?
We will also have a mobile app starting from Q2, we just want to launch the web app first so we can really focus on the apps after.
Question 19. How to use BotOcean bot trading?
Do API key requires?
Also how eficient the trading fees?
You only need to connect your API keys to our platform and you can start trading. The fees will be based on how much volume you have, more info on that soon.
Question 20. Could you please tell me just a little more about the BotOcean team and some of their backgrounds? I have personally seen many projects launch with inexperienced team members.
Dragos has been a crypto trader since before Mt. Gox and I’ve been a developer for just as long, and that’s excluding Ioana who’s a forber 30 under 30 member, our security expert etc. Most of our team has had quite some experience before doing Bot Ocean.
Question 21. As I know a strong community is very important for every project. Do you plan to be a local or global project? What strategy will be used to expand the community?
We started our community just a week ago and we already have over 2k members in our telegram group, the response has been wonderful so far and we expect that to continue. We will have more partnerships in the future.
Question 22. Do you have any new partneship recently? And what advantage of this partnership to the project?
We are working on some partnerships right now but haven’t announced them yet. After all, we’ve only released Bot Ocean a few weeks ago.
Hubert: Thank you @dragosL and @loretincu for replying to the community.
Hubert: Tks sir
We will go to Segment 4, the BOT OCEAN project will ask the question. The person with the fastest correct answer will win.
Each person can only answer 1 time / 1 question
Please join BOT OCEAN group to join segment 4 Quiz:
Everyone has 2 min to join the Bot Ocean group.
Please @dragosL and @loretincu to ask Quiz questions.
Quiz 1. When will I be able to pre-register on the BotOcean platform?
a) 15.10.2020
b) 21.10.2020
c) 11.11.2020
d) 27.10.2020
Quiz 2. What do you need in order to build strategies on our platform?
a) Artificial intelligence knowledge
b) Programming/Coding skills
c) Use drag & drop interface
d) Trading experience
Quiz 3. Where does the whitelisting for the sale take place?
Quiz 4. What features will be available on the platform?
a) Backtester
b) Live Trading Bot
c) Strategy Market Place
d) All of the above
Quiz 5. How can I use the strategies from BotOcean on my account?
a) Trade on BotOcean
b) Connect our bots to your exchange account (API)
c) Deposit funds in BotOcean
d) Use a different platform
So the AMA BOT OCEAN at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the BOT OCEAN project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the BOT OCEAN.
Thanks @dragosL and @loretincu for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.
Again, don’t forget to join the BOT OCEAN community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.
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