Recap AMA CALO APP x Vietnam Coin Market Community
Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,
Only 20 minutes left and the AMA event of CALO APP will be started
The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and CALO APP project’s representative is @diepph.
Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.
After segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.
How’s everything going?
Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session
Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:
✔️ Part 1 — Welcome
✔️ Part 2 — Q&A
✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.
Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @diepph.
Mr Kaydee: Hi Hubert, Hi every one in VCM. nice to emeet you.
Mr Hubert: Can you introduce yourself to the community? How did the team build your project?
Can you briefly describe what is your project to us?
Mr Kaydee: Hi, My name is Kaydee, Partnership Manager of Calo. It is my pleasure to discuss with you about Calo Metaverse today.
I’m very lucky to be a part of the team since the begining. Every project has story to tell ^^
Ours is started from the Founder, Mr. Stephen’s idea. He is a very active person. Running has been Stephen’s passion since 2016 when his friends invited him to join a trail marathon. He was overwhelmed with the joy on running trails, the victory of reaching the finish line. Further than his motivation and passion for running is what it does for his health. He feels stronger, fitter, and happier. He wants to spread out that energy to everyone, and encourages them to exercise more. And for that good cause, Calo Metaverse is created to motivate people workout more for better health.
So what’s the Calo Metaverse?
Calo Metaverse is a digital health and wellbeing platform that harness blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to store all lifetime health data, exchange it to valuable NFT, and give users chances to earn passive income when workout.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful. The VCM audience is also eager to study the CALO APP project.
Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
Can you describe the main features that distinguish you from other projects and what competitive advantages do you have?
Mr Kaydee: I think between many project of play to earn, the concept “Burn to Earn” already stand out itself.
In Calo, the “Burn to Earn” ecosystem is supported by platforms like HealthData, Challenges Metaverse, Sport Gamefi and Fitness Marketplace.
Firstly, with Health Data, users can easily sync fitness data into Calo App through Garmin, Strava, AppleHealth… and Calo App will bring benefits for them who provide their fitness data.
Secondly, Challenges Metaverse is a place where Users can practice anywhere they want and join together to complete challenges.
Thirdly, we also create AR and NFT Sport Gamefi for your better workout experiences. For example. In the context of covid-19, exercising at home is a popular activity. We can jump rope to workout at home, but jumping rope sometimes affects those around us, or sometimes we don’t have enough space to jump. But with AR from Calo, you can jump with a virtual rope and compete with friend, or play soccer with a virtual ball from the Calo Metaverse App. All of which will enhance your workout experience.
Finally, The marketplace will support exchanges, purchase game characters, NFT items, reals or tokens.
We know there are so many fitness app on the market. Most of them are doing well of recording and tracking health data. However, I don’t see an app good at help users overcome workout obstacles, also motivate them to keep the routine.
That’s why we create Calo Metaverse, to help users have better workout experience, inspire and encourage them maintain healthy lifestyle.
Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.
We’ll come to the next question. I think the audience at VCM is really interested in this issue:
Currently, the community is also looking forward to the appearance of the Calo Metaverse app. Can you share more about the app launch plan?
Mr Kaydee: Yeah I am glad that you asked. Calo Metaverse Beta version is just launched on Jan 25th. Through that, Users can experience the workout and earn FAT token, and joined in fitness challenges to earn $calo token.
Since it is Lunar New Year in some countries, we have the Virtual Run Challenges for users to join and easily earn $CALO token. So make sure you installed the App and join with us ^^
With all of your feedbacks, we can improve our product. The next step is to launch the MVP version on February after all the bugs are fixed and full features are implemented.
Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :))
Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:
Can you explain the user journal in Calo App in simple way?
Mr Kaydee: I hope my explaination of App feature didn’t make you confused ^^. But here I will explain again user journal to you.
As first time user, you will need to install Calo Metaverse and a fitness app to tracklog the workout ei. Strava, Garmin or smartwatch device.
After that, you can workout and sync data into Calo Metaverse to receive Fat token.
Fat token is used to buy challenge tickets, for example: Run to Home, or Pioneer Challenge. Once finish, you will receive $Calo
When you have $Calo, you can go to Calo Dapp or DEX to cash out real money. Or use $Calo to buy Lolo Booster NFTs to improve the workout ability; Or improve the NFTs; Or staking, farming.
Mr Hubert: These are important information that I think people want to know. Thank you for providing this information.
We to the last question of the Q-A segment:
What does CALO APP plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Mr Kaydee: Calo Metaverse is fitness app that encourages everyone to workout more. We are currently working with Sport KOLs and Press Media to help viral the App to more people.
And I must mention the support of our strategic partner, investors, VC and of course VCM community ☺️that help us spread the project info to everyone.
But futher than that we are focus into the product to make it attractive and exciting to users. So that they can refer to their friends.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊
The last question is already done. Thank you @diepph for bringing the above useful information.
We’ll move on to segment 3: Questions on Twitter.
#1. Do you have any target for #AppCalo what do you wanna achieve next? Are your team working on increasing value of the token or developing the project?
Thanks for the questions. Yes we do have target. Since the Beta App is just launched, our goal is to hear feedbacks from users and upgrade the App. The MVP will be launched on February with updated functions like group challenges, NFTs using, App wallet… We also aim to acquire more users during this phase.
Right now, our focus is to accomplished the milestone on our roadmap ^^.
#2. As it is an adult platform, I consider the identity & amp; personal data of content creators and viewers a priority. I wonder if KYC is required to access the AppCalo platform? What strategies have been implemented to prevent abuse of the platform by AppCalo?
Thanks 4 question ^^ There won’t be KYC to sign up for the App. However, we have questionnaires to collect your workout preference. Based on your health and ability, we can design and recommend appropriate fitness challenge for you. This mean that, along the way you use Calo Metaverse, your health and strength can be improved.
#3. There are people who dont know about crypto. Getting those people onboarded can be a driving key for success. As most will agree, crypto world can be a little bit confusing for new comers. Do you have a plan for attracting those people, making their entrance to crypto world easy?
I think our app concept BURN TO EARN is attractive to non-crypto users. It is also a challenge for us to educate them to understand about the Calo tokens and blockchain concept.
However, we found ways to communicate through our social contents, KOLs, media. And our product is designed to walk users through the process. Simple enough for everyone to understand.
#4. Where can I buy your token ? Will it be less expensive or more expensive? Possible all links to all your social media platforms if possible?
Right now you can visit our Dapp place to buy $Calo token:
Or pancakeswap
Or Bitforex
Price is depend on the market.
Follow us to keep updating more news and information!
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#5. Buyback-and-burn programs support long term price stability and value growth. Does #AppCalo have plans for these programs? What is your way of increasing the value of token and attract more Investors?
Since $Calo token is limited supply, we don’t have burning programs. However, we have budget to buyback in case the market is too volatile.
We also have marketing and product plan working together in long term to attract users. The more users we have, the more valuable the $Calo token.
Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @diepph for bringing the above useful information.
Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The CALO APP project will then choose 5 questions to answer.
Let’s go!
Let’s give some mins for @diepph to choose 5 questions to answer.
@diepph, you may proceed now.
Question 1. Since NFT is popular nowadays, is there a plan for NFT integration?
Before talking about Calo NFTs, I would like to mention the need to use NFT in our system.
NFT items can be used to reduce the price of challenge tickets or increase the number of $Calo received in each challenge. One of the NFTs in Calo is the Lolo Booster. With Lolo, user is encouraged to workout more because Calories you burn in exercise is the food for Lolo to grow up.
NFTs can be upgraded through a regulatory system mechanism. For example, every 2 NFT level 1 can combine to make 1 NFT level 2 and so on. And of course high level NFTs will come with more benefits and features. And in the markets we can participate in the activities of buying, selling or exchanging NFTs with each other to get the NFT items we want in order to complete our NFT collection. With the explanation of NFTs purpose and mechanism, I hope it is cleared enough that NFTs are not just for investors, but bring real health benefits to app users.
Question 2. Can you share to us your tokenomics? How much is the total and circulation supply of your tokens? Will there be buy back system or token burning in the future?
Question 3. Most investors focus only on the short-term price of the token instead of the actual value of the project. So what are the benefits for long-term investors in project?
Thanks for your question. I don’t know much about other projects, but with Calo team, IDO is just the beginning of our plan. Our mission is to help the community have better health through working out, by giving users motivation and new experiences in Calo Metaverse. Right now, we are on track with the roadmap, Calo Beta version was launched on Jan 25th.
By focusing on the long term value, we believe that will built trust to investor and users.
Question 4. How Do you planning to promote your project in different countries, wherein English is not spoken well? Do you have a local communities for them to better understand your project?
Yes we are currently have partners globally that support us with news and communications in local communities.
We also have 9 telegram communities that speak different language to support users and investors.
Sport is an activities that can easily communicate without any languages. So we don’t think it is a challenge for us to go global :)
Question 5. ‘STAKING’’ is one of the STRATEGIES to ATTRACT USERS and HOLD Them long term. Does your GREAT PROJECT have plan about Staking??
Yes, we do have that in our roadmap in Q2. You can start staking $Calo token and Calo NFTs on our Dapp to earn profits. Make sure you follow us to stay updated ^^.
Mr Hubert: So the AMA CALO APP at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the CALO APP project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the CALO APP.
Thanks @diepph for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.
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