Recap AMA Chainge Finance x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
15 min readMar 17, 2021


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 10 minutes left and the AMA event of Chainge Finance will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and Chainge Finance’s representative is @Sarahshao and @paulus0701.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Mr Hubert: Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session

“Chainge Finance

Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

1 — Say hello, introduce the project

2 — AMA moderator asks the project 5 questions that will be selected first)

3 — Ask the community (unmute the channel and let the community ask questions freely on telegram. Then the guests will choose about 10 good questions to answer)

4 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer.

Please like, follow, and retweet this tweet:

Please join the Chainge Finance group:

and Chainge Finance Vietnam:

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Mrs Sarah: Thank you @taitan296

Hi Guys, hi VCM community

Mr Hubert: Trong lúc chờ đợi anh em có thể xem video giới thiệu về airdrop của Chainge Finance tiếng Việt tại đây:

Hello Madam. Welcome to VCM Community

We spend the first few minutes for people joining the project’s social media groups. In 5 min we will start AMA.

Mrs Sarah: Yep, thank you, Glad to be here. Thank you for invitation.

Mr Hubert: OK. Once again, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Sarahshao and @paulus0701.

It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Mrs Nguyet: Hey Madam, Welcome to VCM Community ❤️

Mrs Sarah: Hi everyone

Mr Hubert: Could you briefly introduce about yourselves ?

Mrs Sarah: Yes, It’s great to be here, Nice to meet you guys~

Mr Hubert: Nice to emeet you.

Mrs Sarah: I’m Sarah Shao, CMO of Chainge. Joined this industry mid 2017. Previously worked in OKex, one of the top exchanges and DFG group,a professional invest group.

What makes me happy is that the projects Chainge I worked for has been greatly developed.

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, Madam. The VCM audience is also eager to study the Chainge Finance project.

Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

Each project has interesting stories before it is created. So can you tell people about the story, problems, difficulties, that gave you the motivation to build and develop a great project like CHAINGE Finance ?

Mrs Sarah: Sure!

It’s highly possible that most of you don’t know we started journey of “DeFi” late 2017, early 2018, which is pretty popular today. It came from a question in my mind that “Why was everybody talking about cryptocurrency but no one was thinking about crypto finance”.

That’s why DJ, our founder created the public blockchain Fusion to serve as the innfrastructure of “crypto finance”, which was live June 2019 with technology DCRM, Time Lock (Time Frame), Quantum Swap, and etc. And it is the only live network with cross chain feature to help anyone to exchange value across different chains/systems and time with another one who he doesn’t know.

As we all know, 25 years ago we needed to rely on centralized institutions like newspaper, magazine and TV station to create contents and distribute contents thru them after it is created. Not surprisingly, internet changed it completely. Today we see social media like twitter, Facebook and even TG here today allows you and me to create contents and distribute to anyone else all over the world within seconds. We call it the age of self media.

When blockchain technology makes value digitization possible, we see the trend that “self banking” or “self financing” age is coming.

So Chainge is going to build an app targeting to realize mass adoption of “DeFi” for everyone. With Chainge, simply everything finance. You yourself is your own digital/crypto bank, while Chainge is providing coded and automated finance service to you and your connected ones. This is what we called “self banking”, “self financing” age.

There is a video we made probably could help you to have a basic concept what Chainge is doing

Mr Hubert: A fairly complete and convincing answer. Thank you Sarah.

We could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

Mrs Sarah: Thank you Hubert.

Mr Hubert: We will come to the next question:

CHAINGE Finance looks good but it confuses me that there are so many other Blockchain projects. What should I pay attention in CHAINGE Finance to give it the importance it deserves? What are your planning to achieve with your project?

Mrs Sarah: Thanks for asking. Previously I explained the exciting technology Chainge is using. And at the same time, we are also trying to bring the best UX to the users.

After explaination, I feel the community recognize our value a lot and joined us very quickly.

Currently, our users covers hundereds of countries in the world.

We will release a series of coded and automated finance services including decentralized escrow, decentralized revnue sharing, decentralized group payments….

Then we will integrate with crypto banks to allow users to open overseas bank accuonts remotely, with which users could switch your fiat to crypto/stable coins by clicking a button and vice versa…

Before everything, we successfully accumulated over 1 million users in our waiting list for our apps!!!

in 2+ months, we have 27K twitter followers

25K ppl in telegram with 5K+ online active ppl

Users are coming from all over the world except Greenland

Currently we have around 80K daily active users earning CHNG on website

Mr Hubert: Thanks for answering the question Sarah.

I still often share the latest information of the Chainge Finance project for everyone to see. Vietnam has also topped the ranking of the number of people participating in this event.

We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :))

Mrs Sarah: Yep, you know Vietanm is the active market we pay lots of attention on. Thank you guys, everyone is so energetic.!

Mr Hubert: Can not hesitate any longer. People are eager to learn about the project:

Can you give us an overview of CHAINGE Finance token economics? Is the token designed to rise and fall with the success of the platform, and does it include any scarcity paths such as stake, store, or burn?

Mrs Sarah: Yep,thanks for asking.

Let me continue

I have an article explaining CHNG token economics.

But since you asked, I would like to summarize it

1. CHNG has NO team or company allocation

2. NO private sale or any other sale, all is distributed free to the entire community

3. Community member earn CHNG by joining waiting list, referring, amplifying and depositing with your influential power.

4. Community decides the total supply. The total CHNG earning of community by March 31st multiple 10 is the total supply. The total CHNG earning of community by March 31st is the circulating supply. And the rest will also be rewarded to community in app in different ways.

So I myself as a member of Chainge team needs to earn CHNG just as everyone of you, too.

5. Chainge company will be using 25% of profit to buy back CHNG in market and burn quarterly.a lot of ppl are referring or earning CHNG thru deposit to earn

this tweet has got 28K retweets

Mr Hubert: Thank you Sarah. That is the best thing. Everyone is really excited about this Chainge Finance project.

Sarah, we will get to the next question:

In my opinion, only getting investors and holders are not enough. A project needs to solve a real world issue or a real world problem. What plans do you have plans with them?

Mrs Sarah: 👌 Let me continue

The one who asked this is 100% correct

Tell me how do you trust your partners when you are in an international trading business? We allow you to use code to trust.

How do you trust your business partner overseas when you are co-founding a company? We allow you to use coded revenue sharing.

How do you trust a stranger who sells you cryptos or domains? We allow you to do this trust free.

How do you always keep your assets always at your hand and grow your wealth at the same time? We allow you to offer and enjoy financial services to/from anyone anywhere in the world.And we also enhance the current DeFi ecosystem and build something that has never been built before in this world.

for example: Cross Chain futures DEX

It is based on Fusion’s time frame technology

All of those solves real business problem and could be integrated with today’s daily life and business.

this is a good summary of what Chainge wants to do

Mr Hubert: An answer that made me and everyone really understand more about the project. Thank you very much.

Mrs Sarah: @taitan296 done of this query

Mr Hubert: I hope you can share more about this:

What is really the mission and vision of Chainge Finance? Is it simply to develop a project that eliminates any third party application that reduces the profits of the users through high fees?

Mrs Sarah: Well, Vision of Chainge is “Be your Own Digital Bank”

Chainge puts the future of finance in your pocket. We’ll empower users to become their own digital bank thru coded and automated finance, leaving the old tedious banking ways behind. Leading the world to the “self banking”, “self financing” era.

And we have these missions

1. Getting your value and financial assets socially connected

2. Exchanging value across chains in a decentralized way

3. Building a bridge and filling in the gaps between digital and conventional finance.

4. Customizing personal banking services thru code and making them accessible to the entire world.

New Horizons

Siimply Everything Finance:

Mr Hubert: Thanks to Sarah for this wonderful answer. We will take Nguyet a few minutes to translate this. And @paulus0701 will talk about his experience with Chainge Finance. After that, we’ll move on to the freeasking section.

Mrs Sarah: Surething, thx

Mr Paulus: Chào mọi người,

Trước hết mình muốn được gửi lời cám ơn đến bạn @Hubert vì tạo điều kiện cho Chainge Finance có một buổi AMA thật tươm tất và chuyên nghiệp tại VCM Community tối hôm nay.

Mr Hubert: Chào anh

Rất vui vì hôm nay anh đã bớt thời gian cùng tham gia AMA tại VCM.

Anh có thể chia sẻ những trải nghiệm, cũng như kinh nghiệm của anh khi tham gia nền tảng airdrop Chainge Finance đến với anh em VCM được không ạ?

Mr Paulus: Mình là Paulus — Founder của Clovers.Ventures một quỹ đầu tư mạo hiểm chuyên đầu tư vào các dự án blockchain tiềm năng. Chainge Finance là một trong những dự án mà Clovers đang hỗ trợ ươm mầm ở Việt Nam bên cạnh những dự án khác như Injective Protocol, Kira Network, Channels Finance, Sil Finance, FatFi và Dora Factory.

Mr Hubert: Rất nhiều dự án lớn và nỗi tiếng. Em nghĩ mọi người cũng đã từ biết đến các dự án này.

Mr Paulus: Mình biết đến Chainge Finance thông qua một người đồng nghiệp cũ đã từng công tác ở AToken đó là bạn @Sarahshao. Sau một vài cuộc điện thoại trao đổi cũng như email về dự án thì cuối cùng mình cũng đã đi đến quyết định sẽ hỗ trợ Sarah để phát triển Chainge Finance ở Việt Nam với vai trò là Early Supporter. Hiện tại team Clovers Ventures đang hỗ trợ Chainge Finance về xây dựng cộng đồng, marketing, chiến lược, phiên dịch và quan hệ đối tác.

Nói về trải nghiệm của mình sau khi tham gia Chainge Finance thì quả thật là một niềm vinh dự khi được làm việc với một đội ngũ chuyên nghiệp hàng đầu trên thế giới. Như các bạn cũng biết là Founder của Chainge Finance — DJ Quian cũng chính là Co-Founder của Fusion, QTUM và Vechain một thời đình đám ở Binance cũng như ở những sàn giao dịch lớn khác vào thời điểm 2017–2018.

Nếu như bỏ qua những đặc điểm mang tính chất công nghệ của Chainge Finance mà Sarah đã trình bày ở phần đầu chương trình thì điều mình cảm thấy thật sự hưng phấn khi bắt tay vào làm việc cùng team đó là 100% token CHNG sẽ được airdrop cho người dùng — điều này thể hiện đúng tính chất phi tập trung mà các sản phẩm Defi trên thị trường đang hướng đến. Mọi token trước khi phân phối đến tay người dùng sẽ được xét duyệt vô cùng cẩn thận bằng hệ thống AI thông minh nhằm hạn chế tối đa việc gian lận cũng như đảm bảo yêu tố công bằng của dự án trước khi được đến tay người dùng thông qua hợp đồng thông minh trên mạng lưới Fusion.

Tháng 2 2021, Chainge Finance đã thực hiện một update mới về giao diện hệ thống nhằm hỗ trợ tối đa khả năng tương tác của người dùng cũng như ra mắt hệ thống Amplify giúp cho người dùng có thể tận dụng sức ảnh hưởng của mình trên mạng xã hội để kiếm thêm token CHNG thông qua việc chia sẽ các bài post của Chainge Finance trên Twitter. Mỗi 2 lượt thả tim cũng như retweet bạn sẽ nhận được 1 CHNG.

Chỉ vỏn vẹn trong vòng 4 tháng mà Chainge Finance đã có hơn 1 triệu lượt đăng ký nhờ vào sự ủng hộ hết sức nhiệt tình của các bạn đến từ nhiều cộng đồng khác nhau ở trên toàn thế giới.

Nếu như bạn gặp bất kỳ khó khăn nào trong quá trình sử dụng hệ thống của Chainge Finance thì vui lòng liên hệ các Admin ở group Chainge Finance Việt Nam để được hỗ trợ tốt nhất có thể.

Một lần nữa cám ơn các bạn rất nhiều!!!

Đây là link ref của mình

mọi người có thể tham gia để ủng hộ Clovers Ventures nha

Mr Sarah: Thank you @paulus0701 for sharing.

Mr Hubert: Cảm ơn anh @paulus0701 đã chia sẻ những thông tin đầy thú vị về dự án Chainge Finance qua sự trải nghiệm của chính bản thân. Em tin rằng mọi người cũng sẽ yêu thích dự án này và ủng hộ các dự án tương tự của Clovers Ventures hỗ trợ trong tương lại.

Hey Sarah, Are you ready for segment 3?

Mrs Sarah: Yes

Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @Sarahshao and @paulus0701. for bringing the above useful information.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market team (VCM) will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 3 min to ask. The Chainge Finance will then choose 5 questions to answer.

Note: Do not copy questions asked by other community AMAs about Chainge Finance.




Let’s go!



Let’s give some mins for @Sarahshao to choose 5 questions to answer.

@Sarahshao, you may proceed now.

Mr Sarah: So many questions! haha, seems our audience are super interested in Chainge. thank you ok, let me pick 5 to answer now

Mr Hubert: Yeah.

Mr Sarah: Give a few mins for me

Mr Hubert: Ok Madam.

Question 1. Marketing is an essential element of every project, so everyone knows the potential that a project can generate. What is your strategy to attract new users and investors and maintain it in the long-term?

Of course, community is the core of our project. usually a project get funded from VC and use VC’s money to get users, and then earn money from users to pay VC back with huge profit. But in our project, users are VCs. The difference is we don’t need your money, we need you. So absolutely we will take community feedbacks and demands very seriously.

Question 2. Kindly explain more about your Tokenomics, Release Schedule and UTILITY, is it inflationary or deflationary?Kindly explain more about your Tokenomics, Release Schedule and UTILITY, is it inflationary or deflationary?

There will be no public offering. All CHNG tokens are distributed free to the entire community. But you need to earn by yourself. You refer, amplify and deposit to earn by yourself. Here I share a referral link which could help you to earn 5+ CHNG if you join waiting list thru this link.

Question 3. Currently, too many projects also focusing on DeFi in the market. Tell me where can we expect the use of Chainge Finance services and for which types of problems relief is expected from Chainge Finance ecosystem?

DeFi will transit from current toy mode to be integrated with real business. The biggest challenges are 1. UX 2. regulations. 3. gap between conventional finance and DeFi. Yes. Our project is going to solve them all.

Question 4. Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Talking about Chainge outstanding features comparing other competitors:

1. Cross chain Futures DEX.

2. Decentralized Escrow for any coins/tokens

3. Integrated with banks to allow users to open overseas bank account remotely and switch fiat to cryptos/stable coins by clicking a button and viceversa.

Question 5. What are the ways for CHAINGE Finance to generate revenue in the long run? What is the progress of business development and what are some of your commercial partnerships?

25% profit will be used to buy back CHNG and burn. The rest will be used for reinvest in the technology and partnership with companies which has real business to utilize Chainge’s DeFi features.

Question 6. Will you also focus more on Asian market as it arbors a very strong based for crypto currency projects ?

Yes, ofcourse, Asian market is the most part we re focusing on. We’ll try to enable more Asian people to use automated, coded applicaton to make your financial freedom.

Mr Sarah: Ok @taitan296 host, I think that’s it, any questions haven’t been answered can be moved to Chainge Community for help

Mr Hubert: Thank you @Sarahshao for replying to the community.

We will go to Segment 4, the Chainge Finance will ask the question. The person with the fastest correct answer will win.

Each person can only answer 1 time / 1 question

Please @Sarahshao to ask Quiz questions.

Quiz 1. What‘s Chainge Vision?

Vision of Chainge is “Be your Own Digital Bank”

Quiz 2. What re the mission of Chainge?

1. Getting your value and financial assets socially connected

2. Exchanging value across chains in a decentralized way

3. Building a bridge and filling in the gaps between digital and conventional finance.

4. Customizing personal banking services thru code and making them accessible to the entire world.

Quiz 3. This query’s also easy I think, About how many users( Chaingers) are there in the waiting list?

1.000.000 +

Quiz 4. The thrid one I wanna ask, Which mainnet does Chainge run on? Can you just mention one tech that we use?

Fusion chain

you could check the white paper issued late 2017 and early 2018

it was written clearly how it is building “cryptofinance”

Fusion Whitepaper


And time frame technology

with this technology, we could build the cross chain futures DEX

Quiz 5. Can you just mention one way to engage with Chainge?


For example:

If you refer 10 people and each of your referrals refers 1 friend and then each of your friend’s friend refers 1 friend, then you get a total of 140 points = 140 CHNG tokens.

Here is an article explaining it. Fyi

And I would also like to share some videos which might be useful for you.

Join the Waiting List

Use your Influential Power

Amplify Chainge

Deposit to Earn

Mr Hubert: So the AMA Chainge Finance at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the Chainge Finance. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the Chainge Finance.

Thanks @Sarahshao and @paulus0701 for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Mrs Sarah: @taitan296 That’s it Hubert, I think it’s getting very ecxited for this amazing AMA you hold, thank you for inviting Chainge.

Again, don’t forget to join the Chainge Finance community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.

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VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

Written by VietNam Coin Market

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