Recap AMA ComEth x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
12 min readMay 28, 2021


Mr. Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 10 minutes left, and the AMA event of ComEth will be started

The Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) representative is Admin Owner @taitan296, who will run AMA, and ComEth project’s representative is @Car1bou, @jdetychey.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask about the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

✔️ Part 1 — Welcome

✔️ Part 2 — Q&A

✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:

🏆 Reward: 1 SPACESHIP.

✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer.

🏆 Reward: 1 SPACESHIP.

Craving for the question, rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Car1bou, @jdetychey.

Mr. Jérôme: Hello everyone!

Mr. Hubert: Hello, sir. It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Mr. Jérôme: Thanks for having me. Super glad to be there with you.

Mr. Car1bou: Hello sir!

Mr. Hubert: Could you briefly introduce yourselves as well as your project?

Mr. Jérôme: Sure!

My name is Jerome, and you can reach out to me on most social media with @jdetychey.

I have been working in the blockchain space for quite some time now. I worked at EY, ConsenSys, and currently at Ledger. I ran the non-profit Ethereum-France who hosts the eponymous website and the EthCC conference.

I am an economist by training, and I teach at an engineering school in Paris as an associate professor. I recently helped with the architecture of Cometh, which is a blockchain-based videogame that gamifies Defi. It’s NFT based, play-to-earn, you get Defi-powered token in the process, and you can try it out now on Polygon!

Mr. Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study the ComEth project.

Looking forward to having our audiences know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the ComEth project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Mr. Jérôme: Our approach to the game is to allow a complete economy to emerge and on the game and be sustainable. Everything is transparent and blockchain-based. The players own every aspect of it. Players control spaceship NFT or an armada of spaceships.

You collaborate with others to position yourself next to the asteroid and mine them. It’s profitable for the players because fees collected from Defi interaction are distributed through the game mechanics. As an NFT owner, you can either play or rent the NFT to others (leasing contracts). The game exposes a decentralized exchange ( For easy swaps, and next week Wednesday, we are releasing a staking feature. For players to stake the native token of Cometh (the MUST ⚗️) to unlock new NFT and items for the game, The more activity the gamified Defi ecosystem around Cometh grows. The more prizes are distributed in-game.

I think that’s really what differentiates us, we are building a complete experience that makes it easy and fun to use Defi, and we are getting ready to expand to other chains while making it seamless for the players.

Mr. Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

We will come to the next question:

Who are some business partners/clients for ComEth?

Mr. Jérôme: Good question! On the business partners, as we run a DEX, we have many important and promising projects. That asks for our support and collaboration. We love the gaming and NFT ecosystem that is growing on Polygon.

Like Doki Doki, for example.

We will explore more a form of a metaverse where the NFT you have from a game or an artist. Have an impact inside Cometh. We like to partner with important Defi protocols, like BadgerDAO, Pickle finance, AAVE, YAM, etc. We design spaceship collections to have their community aware of Cometh and kickstart liquidity on our DEX. The token that is listed on comethswap access the cheapest Fiat to Crypto onramp. Currently, as a user, if you want to put cryptocurrency on a public key. offers the cheapest way to pay with a credit card or smartphone for Polygon/Matic-based token. We integrate some Defi projects directly inside the game. And we have business partners to support our liquidity and volume that will be announced in the short term. We don't collect any information on them regarding our users, and we have some clue of where they come from. It’s currently mostly the US and Central Europe. We think our solution is beneficial for people who want to have and use a couple of 100$ in crypto because you have close to no fees on Polygon, and our solution is optimized. All in all, that’s why we are super happy to get more exposure to the community 🇻🇳!

(sorry for the long answer ^^)

Mr. Hubert: Pretty perfect answer, sir. ^^

Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs. Nguyet again. :))

I can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:

What are the memorable milestones of ComEth in the research and development process?

Mr. Jérôme: Thk


First, we deployed Cometh on various networks, notably Arbitrum, in the early day; it was a great achievement for us to be flexible on the network we are in and build bridges from one to another. It demonstrated our capacity to be multichain and cross-chain, which will play an important role in our future developments.

One of our spaceships got sold 33ETH, which proved that we had important traction. But moreover, we were super happy to see that the player who bought it is now playing it daily and earning tokens. Recently we crossed the 4000 unique players, and 600 are active daily. This is great for us to see so many people having fun with the game. The next big milestone for us is to start the tournaments and player vs. player. We expect to be the first project to have sport on blockchain next month 🏟 !

Mr. Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.

We to the last question of the Q-A segment:

What does ComEth plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Mr. Jérôme: The mid-term plan is to continue gamifying the Defi interaction and make the game more and more entertaining. But in the short term, we plan on leveraging our tournament to bring a super-easy way for non-crypto people to start enjoying this new economy.

In the second half of June, we will let players refer their friends to try the game, try the DEX, try NFT, and hopefully enjoy and stay for more. We have found several sponsors to organize high stake tournaments to make the operation attractive. At the same time, the onboarding is today already available for people without any wallets (no metamask, no wallet connect, nothing). You just put your email, and your address is here for you to play and manage tokens. We are convinced Cometh will be the best first experience of blockchain ever created 🎉.

Mr. Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊

The last question is already done. Thank you, @jdetychey, for bringing the above useful information.

We’ll move on to segment 3: Questions on Twitter.

Mr Jérôme: Alright I am ready :D.

Mr. Hubert: The first question, it’s quite interesting, sir.

#1 Currently, in the crypto market, projects are trying to increase the usability of native tokens so that you can tell us in the future $MUST is used for what purpose on your ecosystem. And why should investors hold it for the long term?

Mr. Jérôme: The MUST token fuels the whole Cometh economy. Every interaction and item is priced in MUST.

The players choose how much they charge for the ingame and out-of-the-game services they provide, and we let the competition drive this market naturally.

MUST is one of the most transferred tokens at the moment on Polygon, proving how useful it is already for the players

MUST will be stackable next Wednesday, and it’s another great incentive to hold the token as your NFT collection will grow, and even if you don t play, you can rent your NFT to other players.

For the tournaments that will be organized, having MUST at stake allows the holders to participate in high reward tournaments.

More importantly, for us as developers, MUST will soon have governance features. We want to let the holders decide what we should do with the MUST collected inside the game, send it back to the stakes, for example, or decide how we should balance the game in the future. We hope that our token holders see themselves as contributors more than investors, and MUST ⚗️ will be more and more available in major Defi protocols and exchanges. 🚀

Mr. Hubert: Thanks for sharing; we come to question #2: Regulation is essential. Projects are closed in many countries for failing to use proper regulations and permits. To be worldwide, how do you handle this problem?

Mr. Jérôme: We collaborate closely with law firms to make sure our token is not illegal. We have activities in France that have been regulating very early on the blockchain. The regulation is not perfect, but it’s there and clears. Also, it's favorable when it comes to a videogame in some aspects (subsidies for creation, for example). I hope that answers the question. Maybe one more thing about regulation. We try not to expose ourselves to the wrong services and regulations. For example, with Fiat to Crypto, we use an external service that we fully integrate. So they take the liability of the on-ramp, and the service may not be available everywhere. We prefer to partner with experts in their fields to avoid regulatory risk. 👍🏽

Mr. Hubert: Thanks for sharing; we come to question #3: Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become the best token in the blockchain world?

Mr. Jérôme: Cometh is not the first project we have done; the team is public and committed

More importantly, we love what we do, and that’s the best recipe to do a long-lasting project 🪐

Mr. Hubert: We’ll come to the next interesting question, question #4: As I can see, Cometh is a gaming blockchain with a fun narrative and attractive ways of monetization, so how can you make it simple for gamers like me who don't know what NFT’s are?

Mr. Car1bo: You can consider NFT like video game items/skins, but you actually own the item

They are part of your wallet, so you would be able to use them on different compatible universes.

Our nfts are spaceships for Cometh; it’s like unlocking a new item you can play the game with. They all have some unique perks and styles. They also have a collection aspect because they are unique and impossible to copy; they carry value and scarcity over time.

Mr. Hubert: Thanks for sharing; we’ll come to the final question on segment 3:

#5 Many projects only want to sell project tokens instead of solving real-world issues. What problem does your project aim to solve?

Mr. Car1bo: Exciting,

Must is the main token of dex/ecosystem, but it is also used as fuel for the spaceship in-game, giving a lot of utility to the token.

You can also use it for farming some items, spaceships or if you become an Lp provider, you can have access to weekly reward on the dex.

All those services are usually indépendant, but Cometh brings everything to the same place.

We are trying to make the Defi access easier for everyone, and we think a game could be a good way to introduce Defi to a larger public.

At the moment, we are focus on the game aspect/feature release, and we are not trying to oversell the Token; we still keep a deficient circulating supply.

Mr. Hubert: Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask about the project. We will have 120s to ask. The ComEth project will then choose 5 questions to answer.




Let go!



Let’s give some mins for @Car1bou, @jdetychey, and Gonzague to choose 5 questions to answer.

@Car1bou, @jdetychey, Gonzague, you may proceed now.

Question 1. As a community-based project, how can I donate my quota for your success? Do you have a Global Ambassador Program or a Referral Rewards System?

We are putting in place an ambassador program to help the communication

atm; we are very focusing on the development part to propose an amazing experience to newcomers.

Question 2. Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any $Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

When you are making a new partnership, we are using the sale profit to buy some Lptoken from both projects and add liquidity to the Dex.

At the same time, new comets are created for the players to farm.

Question 3. Is your project a local project or a global project? Can anyone use your services from anywhere in the world? Are there any restrictions on using your service?

You can play from everywhere, with no restrictions.

Question 4. What is the biggest focus for COMETH now, and what is the number #1 priority for the team in the next 6 months?

We are really focused on the players versus Players part because we think adding competitivity to the game can make it stand out from the others.

Question 5. Can you tell us some of your partners and who you plan to collaborate with within the nearest future?

The last partners were Aave, Badger, Pickle, Doki Doki, Alchemix, etc., much more to come.

Question 6. How big and strong is your community? Do you have a community for non-English users?

We have players from all over the world, and the strongest players team is from France.

Question 7. All project coins have their main Utilities & real-life use-case! So, Can you tell us what the main role of your coin in your ecosystem is? Explain its Utilities & Real-Life use cases? And Why should I invest in your coin for the long term?

Even more during Covid time, we think that Video games are an important place in life, so we are trying to create an Entertainment place as much as a Defi access, all at the same place.

Question 8. What are the additional benefits of holding your tokens over those that don’t hold your tokens, and are there any benefits for long-term holders?

So atm you can stake Some Must in the ‘tube,’ this will generate you (Dust) which you can redeem new spaceship with, new item, artworks not and all kind of cool features

holding must in the tube is a good way to lock the value of the $must and farm some cool rewards at the same time.

Question 9. What are your plans for 2021, what are you currently working on, and will you expand the list of big exchanges?

Tube L2 arrives in a few days, PVP Tournaments in 2 to 4 weeks.

Question 10. In decentralization, We all know that speed is needed, as is the current problem faced by the expensive Eth Gas Fee and the slowing of the transaction process. What are your plans to deal with this problem on COMETH?

The Cometh project is on the Polygon Matic network now, so no ETH gas fees and TX are fast.

Question 11. Could you please tell me the ultimate goal of ComEth? What are your plans to reach out to most users, both inside and outside the crypto space? Are there any community events to attract more members and raise the project’s awareness?

The First Esports Blcokchaine game and Number 1 defi game!

Question 12. What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market? In contrast, what is your weakness? How do you plan to overcome it?

We have e Complete écosystèm with everything at the same place, no need for many different services.

Question 13. How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand your project?

We are starting to reach out everywhere on the planet, the project started as European but quickly moved to Us, and we are now among the rest of the world!

Mr. Hubert: So the AMA ComEth at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully, in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the ComEth project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the ComEth.

Thanks, @Car1bou, @jdetychey, and Gonzague, for joining AMA with the VCM community today. I wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join the ComEth community for further assistance. Thanks, everyone.




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VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

Written by VietNam Coin Market

Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) connects projects and investors. Place of project events, organization of AMA … Telegram:

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