Recap AMA Engines of Fury x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
11 min readDec 17, 2021


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 15 minutes left and the AMA event of ENGINES OF FURY will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and ENGINES OF FURY project’s representative is @MindaugasSi.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

✔️ Part 1 — Welcome

✔️ Part 2 — Q&A

✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:

🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT

✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:

🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT

EOF Vietnam Group:

Do the task according to this form: The 5 luckiest people will receive a reward: $20 / 1 winner.

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @MindaugasSi.

Mr Mindaugas: Good day!

Nice to meet you!

Mr Hubert: Hello! Nice to emeet u too.

It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Mr Mindaugas: Hello, I am Mindaugas,I am the community lead of the Engines of Fury team and today will answer all questions that you might have about EoF and guide you through the progress of our development!

To begin — in short, Engines of Fury is a visually stunning & addictive autobattler built by a team that has years of experience, with a vision of gradually converting the game into an open world MMORPG in the long run.

Mr Hubert: Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the Engines of Fury stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Mr Mindaugas: There are many competitors in the Autobattler space and many projects of MMORPG games that promised to be released in the coming years..

Autobattler-wise we will stand out because:

We’ve put a lot of thought into numerous & exciting gameplay modes — no boring mindless grinding over and over again.

Our visuals, 3d game scenes, art, and gameplay UX/UI will be top-notch

Our multiplayer mode will be played at stakes — meaning that people will wager before a fight, and win other players tokens if victorious, which will give the game its addictive & dopamine-kicking aspect

The fighting scenes will be like mini-movies in 3D of champions fighting against each other, rather than cards bashing at each other

MMORPG-wise we will stand out because:

There are LOTS of promises, but pretty much no games fully released yet, so in a way its hard to compare — just a lot of big promises. Ho we will differ is that:

Our gamers community will already have played the autobattler game, have invested time into champions, NFT items, etc which will be transferred to the MMORPG game

Our gamers community will be able to influence the development of the open world being built — so they will be involved in the game being created

And again — we are putting a lot of emphasis on exciting gameplay loops and stunning 3D visuals.

Overall we have a solid and addictive game which will be released soon by a team that has done numerous games in the past, which will be gradually expanded into an open world MMORPG built together by us & our players community.

I’ll also put a quick visual for you guys to better understand why we are confident that we will stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Mr Hubert: We will come to the next question: Who are some business partner/clients for Engines of Fury?

Mr Mindaugas: We have quite a number of BIG and EXCITING partnerships. Even SO EARLY ON as we are now. Basically just warming up lol.

Some of the partners/clients that were announced already include:

-Kyros Ventures, a growing GameFi powerhouse in Vietnam and globally

-DWeb3, a digital fund specializing in investments related to Decentralized Finance, WEB 3.0, and NFT

-Metrix Capital, a digital asset investment and advisory firm with a focus on early-stage web3, decentralized finance, and NFT projects

-Double Peak Group, one of the first family offices focused on investments in the digital asset and blockchain industry

-BTC12, a blockchain-centered investment fund

And these are just the ones we have already announced, for sure we have a lot of VCs, Guilds, and other partners that will be revealed over the next two weeks, all I can tell you about them is that they are the most prominent, biggest players in the crypto-gaming space.

You can read more about our partners on our medium page: .

We will reveal 1 partner/investor every day from now on — so keep tuned guys!

Mr Hubert: Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project: What are the memorable milestones of Engines of Fury that you have already done and will do in the future?

Mr Mindaugas: Of course! Here is a quick cheat sheet for you guys to look at while I will sum up the key milestones of our roadmap:

What we’ve done so far:

Game design: champions, items, arenas, fighting simulations — a lot of it has been done already and will be shared on our Twitter/Telegram channels soon. So stay tuned and follow us here:

Investments & Partnerships: Private round almost closed with a lot of BIG and value add names there. We’ve already started announcing them and will continue over the next few weeks.

Launchpads: Already confirmed. Will announce it SOON!

Key milestones upcoming:

Q1: IDO/DEX/CEX launches

Q2: NFT marketplace launch

Q3: PVE game launch

Q4: Full game launch

2023 & onwards: MMORPG launch

Mr Hubert: We to the last question of the Q-A segment: What does Engines of Fury plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Mr Mindaugas: Well to put it short, our whole game is dependent on the player base. Basically speaking our game is players driven, so strong community is THE MOST valuable asset for us. Our whole gameplay mechanics + play to earn features are set this way that it will have long lasting exiting and engaging gameplay. On top of that we will continuously add new features and gameplay mechanics to keep the existing long-term players excited and WANTING MORE! (muahaha) Additionally we have prepared many incentives programs, like in the question (about affiliates, influencers, streamers, etc.) -> but more about them coming in the announcements soon. We are talking with a lot of partners/guilds and want to make sure that each and everyone can participate and help us to achieve the vision. Of being one of THE games that will go into history as actually helping to bridge the standard gamers world to blockchain 🚀

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊

The last question is already done. Thank you @MindaugasSi for bringing the above useful information.

We’ll move on to segment 3: Questions on Twitter.

#1 Could you please tell us the story behind the name #EnginesOfFury? How did you get the inspiration to build your?

Well it actually came naturally. We have quite a bit written on the backstory of where the players begin and why. What happened to the world. And what is yet to uncover. So in short — the Engine is the central point of the game’s history, which is used to upgrade and forge weapons and armour so that the humanity could take back the world. We are going to be releasing the full lore of the game gradually. Its not going to be as complex and deep as Game of Thrones, but it will deffo come sooner than the promised books haha!

#2 Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. My question is, how will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?

First of all, as we have core team members that have been doing games for more than a decade we planned the resources and the fundraise very carefully to sustain the game development.

Secondly, the core team has their tokens locked for more than a year — meaning that they WILL release the game 100%, because the game is supposed to launch within a year.

Thirdly, the core team are gamers themselves. They are super passionate about the project and REALLY just want to make a great game that they themselves would play.

Investor announcement wise, I still don’t want to disclose all information as we will share this with you in the next couple of weeks, so please follow us on twitter and join our telegram for more news…..

#3 I noticed you’ve done a lot of AMAs. My question is, what do you hope to gain from doing so many AMAs and what are your community goals? Do you think the community plays an important part in the project?

Thanks for the observation and following us! Most Crypto Projects decide to artificially up their following/status by buying followers, adding bots to their social media accounts. That’s not us — we have a very different vision. We believe in organic growth, engaged communities, that is why we decided to involve ourselves in many collaborations with different groups, to spread the good word about ourselves and introduce our Gem Project to everyone!

#4 I want to ask, Which one the most important for you in developing the community and increasing the value of the project? Which one that Will you do first?

It’s a really good question. I think that my position as Community Lead in Engines of Fury fully reflect our priorities — we understand that we are building a game for the community, and community alone will decide, how fast the value of the project will be increasing.

Furthermore, Right now we’re doing a lot of AMA’s, talking with KOLs, preparing for Christmas giveaways and making a lot of exciting announcements, even before we launch the token. We hope that our actions speak louder than words!

#5 Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? What kind of decisions can they vote on about the project? What are the benefits of Holding your project token?

This is the plan starting Y2. So we will detail the actual model later on. But in the essence it means that the community will be able to vote on i.e. gameplay mechanics to be added, talent trees, skills, or lets say the areas that we will have in the open world game. But for now let’s focus on whats to come SOON. The autobattler game.

To actually play Engines of Fury, you are going to organically need our tokens, to buy champions, fight bosses, fight in the arenas, buy items in the marketplace, etc… The integration between our crypto token and the game will be completely seamless, unlike forced integration in other games. By buying our $FURY token as early as possible, you will reserve your chance to play our game really, really cheaply, as the token price may very much go to the moon!

Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @MindaugasSi for bringing the above useful information.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The ENGINES OF FURY project will then choose 5 questions to answer.




Let’s go!



Let’s give some mins for @MindaugasSi to choose 5 questions to answer.

@MindaugasSi, you may proceed now.

Question 1. What are the important social media links to follow announcement of your projects ?

Simple but good question. I suggest first of all to follow us on twitter as it is the primary channel for our announcements and secondly join our telegram channel, we already have a vietnamese community so you can chat with your friends about our project! Check it here!

Question 2. What is the background, of the your project, team do you think team’s qualifications, and experience, able to support the long-term development, of the project?

Good questions!

The core team is of seasoned professionals — founding members of multinational game development studio, guys that have been part of one of the first ICO making esports gaming platforms (from back in 2017), and a lot of people with lots of experience in visuals, game dev, blockchain projects. And we have amazing advisors too — not all of them have been anounced, so please make sure to stay tuned on our socials haha! Mostly based in Lithuania, But in todays world — you have to be worldwide to attract the best talent. So the team is growing super fast in all directions

Question 3. Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of Token?

Here is all the information about tokenomics

Question 4. Local community and what are the plan for awareness of project where english is not spoken?

As you can see there is already vietnamese community in Telegram. We are also expanding so latin, russian and south east asian regions!

Question 5. When will the game release beta and official?

Key milestones upcoming:

Q1: IDO/DEX/CEX launches

Q2: NFT marketplace launch

Q3: PVE game launch

Q4: Full game launch

2023 & onwards: MMORPG launch

Question 6. How to stay cool in the current situation on the cryptocurrency market?

Just make something amazing, special, work hard and have a good team like us ;)

Mr Hubert: Hope today’s ama has helped everyone at VCM understand more about the EOF project. Good luck with the EOF project.

So the AMA ENGINES OF FURY at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the ENGINES OF FURY project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the ENGINES OF FURY.

Thanks @MindaugasSi for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join the ENGINES OF FURY community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.


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Do the task according to this form: The 5 luckiest people will receive a reward: $20 / 1 winner.


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VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

Written by VietNam Coin Market

Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) connects projects and investors. Place of project events, organization of AMA … Telegram:

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