Recap AMA Fantasy of the Three Kingdoms x Vietnam Coin Market Community
Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,
Only 15 minutes left and the AMA event of FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS will be started
The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS project’s representative is @gabesalgado .
Translator: @nguyetvcm
Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.
After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.
How’s everything going?
Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session
Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:
✔️ Part 1 — Welcome
✔️ Part 2 — Q&A
✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.
Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @gabesalgado .
Mr Gabe: Hello, VCM community!
Mr Hubert: Hello sir!
It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.
Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?
Mr Gabe: Well, we are a multinational team
Myself, I am Israeli/American, and I have lived in South Korea for the past 10 years
I was recruited to a startup at a young age; it was a metaverse. 3D immersive simulations of historical environments
since then, I have always worked in startups
I worked in metaverse for 5 years, then in entertainment tech in Korea for 5 years
briefly in biotech, then I joined an investment firm as a talent scout and mentor to young startup
I started working with my F3K friends a few years ago in the crypto space, and we decided that now is the right time
Our team members are game developers who worked at Sony, Koei, Nexon, and Tencent as the mainstay of the game, and the design team is active in Japan and China. We believe that F3K will further advance the future of gamefi.
Fantasy of the Three Kingdoms is a game that combines the history of the Three Kingdoms and blockchain technology. The gamer takes on the role of a lord, allowing players to recruit various famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, expand their territory through construction and acquisition of resources, and conquer the battlefield to fulfill their desire to dominate the world. Additionally, through the blockchain, all in-game attributes, including generals, equipment, mounts, and lands, become NFTs, which can be traded and exchanged for other tokens in the marketplace. As all the economy is chosen by the user and determined by the user, an economic system is naturally built and users build their own world within the huge framework of the Three Kingdoms.
the Three Kingdoms is an iconic period in history that has captured the imagination of millions around the world
It is a perfect story within which to create our new game.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study the FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS project.
Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
What makes the FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Mr Gabe: Talking about comparison with other similar crypto projects, we put special emphasis on the quality of the game starting with the character design
As well as game mechanics and user experience.
Offering a great experience to the players is at the heart of what we do
Secondly, the concept of ownership over game assets in the form of NFTS
We thought that the combination of cryptocurrency and the history of the Three Kingdoms narrated through the online game would be very attractive to those who are interested in cryptocurrency, players who are fans of the Three Kingdoms-themed game, and geeks who are interested in blockchain technology.
Our core value proposition is the gaming experience itself, and combined with the ownership that NFT gives you, this is very powerful.
Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment. We will come to the next question:
Who are some business partners/clients for FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS?
Mr Gabe: We have many partnerships and we are considering this also a top priority
There are many in place but only a few that we can officially announce at this time; these include Polylauncher, Pentabase and AVG
There are several that will be announced in the coming months. These partnerships are very important to us. However, I think perhaps our most important partnership is with the community that we are building.
Mr Hubert: Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:
What are the memorable milestones of FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS in the research and development process?
Mr Gabe: That is a great question!
I think the release of NFTs and test version of the game will be our next major milestones. Those will happen very quickly, like within the next month or two. So far we have stuck well to our roadmap.
And of course the milestone we are all waiting for. Later this year, in 2022, will be the public release of the game. We are all looking forward to that and working around the clock to make sure it happens.
Mr Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.
We to the last question of the Q-A segment:
What does FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Mr Gabe: We are preparing three things to make the community bigger.
The first is continuous information sharing. This is with the goal of creating a safe place for users who are already in the community and become fans of our project.
Second, we plan to provide continuous invitation events and in-game items as prizes to encourage new users to participate in our project even out of curiosity.
Third, we are building a truly global platform accessible to everyone, from everywhere.
Through localization, we plan to enable users to enjoy English-only blockchain games in multiple languages. This is one of the ways to make it easier for users who are interested in the game to approach.
Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @gabesalgado for bringing the above useful information.
We’ll move on to segment 3: Questions on Twitter.
#1 I see a lot of people now coming to games running on the block chain platform mostly to earn extra income (play to earn), but few people come to games because they like to play games like games like league of legends, pubg, … because as far as I know the games running on the block chain platform are still too new to reach users, besides, in terms of graphics and game content, they are not attractive. How will the Team fix this problem and attract players?
Wow, best question yet!
I can say for certain that our game solves that part. The characters are attractive and the quality is higher than the ordinary mobile games we are familiar with.
Rare characters will move in live2d and this will increase your personal connection to them. Also, by continuously providing character skins, we plan to make the difference between blockchain games and regular games invisible.
Perhaps one of the reasons why I think it’s unattractive is that most blockchain games start with a small number of players. But now, game experts are starting to make blockchain games, and we are one of them. We are aiming for high quality games. In order to harmonize general games and blockchain, we are thinking of using all the advantages of centralization and decentralization of blockchain. Also, we put a system called war and tax in the game, which will be the reason that users can access the game for a long time.
#2 Can you list the outstanding features of “Fantasy Three Kingdoms’ that you think are the strengths that will help “Fantasy Three Kingdoms’ succeed? In the future, will the “Fantasy Three Kingdoms’ token be developed with more utilities?
I think it is right to focus on NFTs rather than tokens in this part. The NFT we produce will be attractive, and we plan to use this to support other game makers so that they can use our characters to use many services by using the interoperability that is the strength of NFT games. For example, it is like saying that it is possible to make card games such as Hearthstone using our NFT and characters.
#3 There are 3 core issues prevalent in crypto and blockchain: security, interoperability and scalability. How does Fantasy3k plan to rise above these plagues, setting your brand unique from others?
The reason we chose Three Kingdoms is a decision considering interoperability, which is important after moving to the NFT market.
Three Kingdoms is already a famous IP and has a large fan base. We are making our game to show novelty out of familiarity, and the reason we chose the genre of card simulation is because we judged it to be a highly expandable genre. By introducing the card rather than the simulation itself, the card itself will become a work of NFT, and I think this is a structure that can be used to create new games using our NFT, such as the aforementioned Hearthstone.
#4 What is the plan to ensure sufficient liquidity on exchanges to fill market orders, especially as adoption increases and clients begin multiplying year-over-year for your project ?
Oh, another great question!
To secure liquidity, you need to secure users.
This is also part of the success of the project. We will increase the number of users of the actual game by simultaneously targeting Southeast Asia and other Western countries, and we will gradually secure users and secure liquidity by supporting the marketing of various companies in our land. In addition, we plan to list it on several exchanges to make it easier for game users to use.
Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @gabesalgado for bringing the above useful information.
Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS project will then choose 5 questions to answer.
Let’s go!
Let’s give some mins for @gabesalgado to choose 5 questions to answer.
@gabesalgado , you may proceed now.
Question 1. Can you share to us your tokenomics? How much is the total and circulation supply of your tokens? Will there be buy back system or token burning in the future?
Most of this can be answered in detail on our White Paper:
The rest is in development with feedback from the community
Question 2. I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, does you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosytem periodically and also invite developers to build?
That is a very interesting idea, actually! I have things like this in mind for the future. For the time being, I depend on BOUNTY HUNTERS to come forth and get rewards when they identify critical bugs and work with us to resolve them. We will reward them handsomely, I promise!
Question 3. How Do you planning to promote your project in different countries, wherein English is not spoken well? Do you have a local communities for them to better understand your project?
We are already working on fostering local communities and working with them to localize the game. F3K is truly a global vision, and we need local communities for it to work out well. We can do it together, I think!
Question 4. Which do you think is more important for your project ???????
A. Community
B. Investors
C. Token price
✌️ If all of the above is important to you? which should come first? Thanks..✌️✌️
A. Community
Question 5. Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration ?
The community is the heart of the project. Ultimately, governance over the platform will be passed over to the community in the form of a DAO. This is just one reason why we place such special emphasis on community building and trust. Welcome to F3K!
Mr Hubert: So the AMA FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS.
Thanks @gabesalgado for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.
Again, don’t forget to join the FANTASY OF THE THREE KINGDOMS community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.
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Mr Gabe: Thank you Hubert, Minh and everyone in the community
It was so nice to talk with you all.
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