Recap AMA FreeCity x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
13 min readJul 21, 2022


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 1 minutes left and the AMA event of FreeCity will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and FreeCity project’s representative is @defmaniac1.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

✔️ Part 1 — Welcome

✔️ Part 2 — Q&A

✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:

🏆 Total Prize: $100 NFT

✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:

🏆 Total Prize: $100 NFT

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

FreeCity family!!

Twitter :



Official website:


Let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @defmaniac1.

Mr Adu: Hello Everyone

🏦 Welcome to Freecity family 🏦

🚀🚀 The socialfi masterpiece is coming! !

🔥About us:Free city will be launched on Polygon, with SocialFi and NFTs as the core products, it creates a web3-based voice social chat place and a social platform for personalized 3D avatar display for users all around the globe.

🟢 The first large-scale social platform on Polygon

🔵 Dual currency

🔴 Signed KOL Star5000+

🟠 Most influent KOLs and brands from multiple industries around the world have reached NFT cooperation agreements

🟣 The industry’s top SocialFi team


🔥Creating more interesting social experience for players and giving more wealth to creators and players🔥

Social media:

🐦 Twitter :

💻 Discord :

📖 Whitepaper :

🎮 Official website :

🔪 Medium:


Mr Hubert: Hello Adu! It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

It’s exciting to learn about the FreeCity project together. Let’s start ama now!

I. Q A

Question 1. Could you briefly introduce about yourselves? What is FreeCity? Tell us more about the project.

Hello everyone! I am Freeman, the co-founder of FreeCity.

And also I am an early investor in blockchain fields. Other team members come from all over the world and are active in the crypto world and private equity circles.

Speaking of the project, FreeCity is a consensus metaverse built on blockchain technology and based on 3D virtual images and virtual cities.

With the vision of replacing real social with digital social, it is a future city where social influence will be transformed from the crowd-based to the financialized and the tokenized.

In this free city, social networking is the core, and 3D avatars, financial lands, financial microphones and NFT marketplace are the tools for players to show their social value.

FreeCity’s vision is to treat the social value of players as the “hash power” of the platform. Players who show their social value will generate governance tokens of the platform for governance, customization and casting of the entire city.

Question 2. What motivated you to want to build such a unique metaverse?

The social media model of Web 2.0 is premised on accumulating vast amounts of data of users. There are widespread user privacy information security issues.

User data does not belong to the user itself, and the number of users cannot be guaranteed. The high-quality content created by users brings traffic to the platform, but it may not be able to obtain corresponding profits from it.

Plus, the platform environment lacks effective maintenance. We are convinced that Web 3.0 will change the landscape of social media and online content.

In the Web 3.0 scenario, the network will be owned by the community rather than by a centralized institution. Governance of the platform, the setting of rules and the general operation of the platform will go back to the users, and a larger share of the potential profits will also go back to the users.

And within a decentralized platform, someone’s value, and ultimately their activity can largely determine their identity as well as the value they generate on the platform.

As a digital ledger, the role of the blockchain is essential. Users’ profiles will be placed in their own Web 3.0 application,

which can be used on any decentralized platforms.

We want to build a cross-platform consensus metaverse, and everything or transactions a user makes will also be stored on the blockchain for transparency and security.

Question 3. Yes, we see from the official website that the social scene shown is very beautiful. Can you tell us about the gameplay of the game?

For example, FreeCity players configure NFTs for themselves in the form of microphones, and join diversified voice rooms in urban buildings to show their social value through voice chat.

So that they can gain recognition from others and generate token rewards. Different quality microphones correspond to different social statuses. All the efforts of players are to have more followers and create greater social value to increase their income.

Anyone can create their own value on the platform.

The financial microphone is a demonstration of the social value of players in FreeCity. The higher the quality of the NFT microphone, the more followers of the player. The microphone fully combines the concepts of GameFi and SocialFi, and interprets the core of the entire platform about “earn”.

chat to earn

Question 4. It sounds very good, and the interest of the playing is high; is very high. We know that there are many game projects on the market. So, what are your main features and advantages that differentiate you from other projects?

Generally speaking, the entertainment of traditional GameFi and SocialFi projects has been greatly reduced due to the incentive mechanism, and players are forced to transform into ruthless “gold machines” driven by the temptation of capital;

this is also In a sense, the collective anxiety of players and users’ identity in the virtual world has been exacerbated,

and games have changed from entertainment products to mechanical constraints. In a sense,

it also aggravates the collective anxiety of players and users in the virtual world, and the game has changed from an entertainment product to a mechanical constraint.

FreeCity wants to pay more attention to this group of people, because they will be a very important factor in this project, and they have the potential to become loyal WEWIN fans.

We believe that the consensus metaverse is not created out of thin air, we prefer to say that it is a reconstruction. This time we will bring happiness into gamefi and shape more sustainability for the game.

This time we will bring a variety of new models to our FreeCity to shape more sustainability for social.

We pioneered the “Engagement-to-Earn” model, which enriches the metaverse social scene to the greatest extent, allows assets to earn passive income for their owners, and maintains economic operation with more in-game consumption.

Through social consensus ecology and rich game play, consensus is quickly established, and more entertainment methods and usage scenarios are integrated. Thus finally a flywheel effect is formed.

Question 5. Well, it seems that you attach great importance to the entertainment of FreeCity. Can you introduce FreeCity’s economic model?

First of all, we have a dual-currency economic model:Governance Tokens & Game Tokens. The dual-currency economic model of will not have as short a life cycle as the single-coin mode.

FCC is FreeCity’s governance token, with a total supply of 10,000,000,000. FCC holders can stake their tokens,

play games and participate in related governance votes, and they will be rewarded. What’s more, players can earn FCC by playing various games and completing various tasks in FreeCity.

chat to earn and very stable model

Question 6. Wow, that’s really an attractive economic model, so let’s talk about FreeCity’s future plans?

Our long-term plan is to do a 3D large-scale integration of multi-mode metaverse ecology such as SocialFi, GameFi,

NFT and DAO, play2earn, and E2E mode. In the next few months,

It is expected that all assets will be on-chain starting from the NFT subscription of the microphone.

FreeCity learned lessons and avoided the short-term capital operation mode of GameFi 1.0. A reasonable and efficient benign economic model will promote the long-term development of the entire metaverse ecology, improve user stickiness,

and focus on fun by designing a metaverse application ecology with innovative functions.

The system provides users with a high-end experience, allowing users to obtain pleasure and satisfaction in the process of participating, so as to achieve the dual purpose of economic benefits and spiritual satisfaction.

The vision of FreeCity is not limited to games or social interaction, but to become a metaverse world full of infinite reverie. To this end, we will further improve the construction of DeFi and NFT infrastructure, and gradually form a closed-loop full-ecological product covering NFT, Defi and metaverse such as games, NFT, DEX, and DAO governance. Everyone can participate in all aspects of the metaverse ecology and enjoy everything. It is conceivable that this is a brand new model.

After that, we will have more applications, such as web3.0 music platform, brand NFT trading mall, etc. We are trying to establish a virtual and real link to create a complete ecology.

So it may take longer, but we hope that every every step is a perfect landing. We are exploring the path to the realization of the metaverse just like everyone else, and we hope you will witness the future with us!

by the way, this is our VN community:

Question 7. From this point of view, FreeCity’s future planning are indeed good. Now share with us your governance token, what are the uses of governance token in your ecosystem?

We have already considered the circulation of tokens when developing the game, and we have set up many scenarios in the system to consume tokens and help the whole token economy model to form a deflation stage.

The application of governance tokens is roughly divided into four directions. The first is upgrading: breaking through the level of non-fungible tokens by consuming governance tokens. The second is governance:

The rights and interests of platform governance are obtained by staking tokens. The third is minting:

players consume tokens to obtain the rights to mint NFTs. The fourth is staking: by staking tokens to obtain the rights and interests of liquidity income.

And $FCC is a governance token, so the whole ecosystem development will need to consume the $FCC token.

Question 8. So what are the uses of FreeCity’s game tokens in your ecosystem?

The application of game tokens is similar to governance tokens, and it can be roughly divided into four directions. The first is NFT: it’s the currency required to upgrade and repair NFTs in the city. The second is social:

it is the currency consumed by rewarding, following, and trading in the voice room social networking. The third is game: It is the currency that is pledged, consumed, and consumed in participating in the game sector. The fourth is consumption: It is the currency consumed in the purchase of clothing and basic props in the city..

We have many scenarios where these two tokens are consumed. In addition, the project will also use a part of the fee income for the repurchase and destruction of the token market. Thereby forming a deflationary mechanism effect.

Question 9. What events have you had recently? Can you explain the rules of the event?


#FreeCity offers $15,500 to arrest named Violent Squirrel.


1. 1 golden VS holder will get $5000

2. 5 silver VS holders will get $1000 each

3. 30 bronze VS holders will get $100 each

4. 50 other VS holders will get $50 each

The earlier, the bigger chance

Complete Gleam Task and Get WL Free Mint NFT :


Official Golden VS receiving address: 6suN4C71CZcmdE6Xr2qF2zdnyYaMLGR3v4S7SxfnzY26

Official Silver VS receiving address:


Official Bronze VS receiving address:


Official other VS receiving address: AGBpgE6ZZDPYqUwrzNDUHYAJa3sTMWZpdYMTAZoVJQRH


Yeah~ FreeCity X Violent Squirrel’s whitelist event now is in full swing. Every address that completes the task will have the opportunity to get a whitelist

and each address can only Free Mint one Violent Squirrel NFT. The first batch of Violent Squirrel Free Mint has a quota of 2,000,

and the winner will be selected at the end of the event on July 22nd. In addition, we plan to give away 1000 USDT. The lucky 30 winners will each receive 33 USDT! Click the link to join us!!

Event link:

more details can see the top info

Question 10. Is there anything else worth paying attention to about this event? What can players do to improve their chances of getting a whitelist?

Please note that players participating in this event need to upgrade PHANTOM to the latest version, please make sure your PHANTOM is the latest version! Also, complete the following actions to increase your chances of getting whitelisted or USDT rewards!

1. Refer Friends For Extra Entries

2. Follow Twitter @FreeCity_OS

3. Join our official Discord

4. Join the official telegram group @freecityChat

5. Submit your solana address

Thank you very much for your patience! We will also pay attention to the development of FreeCity in the future! ! ! Do you have anything else to share with our unicorn community?

Due to limited time, I will continue to share with you in the free Q&A section.

Okay, then let’s go to the next part.

II. Twitter

#1. Users will be rewarded with FCC for their interaction in Free City, and one of the options is to play to win. But what is the game about? Can you explain a little bit how it works? How interesting and interactive is it? Is Free City in the play store of mobile phones?

We are first and foremost a social chat software, just like tg

But the difference is that we have added a large number of virtual images, and we have given creators and users higher benefits in terms of benefit distribution

We also have commercial land

Maybe you can chat and dance in there

even run restaurants or rent out

We will release the app on android and ios

Marketplace and wallet will also be integrated in it

#2. Most of users are still not aware with Blockchain & its related projects ! So, How Your Project platform create awareness about their project with NON-CRYPTO users too?

First,We hired a large number of real-life streamers to attract web2 users

We will also sign more anchors in the future, we have already signed 5000+ KOL

We also use Google’s traffic

Find a lot of anchors on youtube to promote

Even in the future we will find elon mask to help us promote our products

Question 3. I saw that you were going to release FreeCity Version 2 soon. Do these two versions vary in any way from one another, and will Version 2 replace or supplement Version 1? What else do you hope to accomplish with this launch?

Our second-generation product has added more elements of the metaverse, we hope it is not just an ordinary social product, we hope it can be more interesting and fashion

here some data

A good web3 experience is not only more inclined to creators and users in the distribution of benefits, but also has a new product experience.

A good web3 experience is not only more inclined to creators and users in the distribution of benefits, but also has a new product experience.

#4. Free City has the goal of creating a large and solid community of 400,000 users so I would like to know what are your plans to achieve this goal? How do you plan to attract users from all over the world to Free City? Do you have partnerships with gaming guild?

We have recruited community managers from all over the world, and we are continuing to recruit them. If you are interested, you can join us. We are also ready to cooperate with more media to attract more traffic.

We are more like a social product

We are building an host union

And plan to cooperate with more anchor unions in reality

#5. Can you explain the income level strategies that Free City offers because I saw that everyone will charge on your site for activities as basic as chatting? Will there be a free-to-play model on your platform?

We will have a no-fee model. Even if you don’t pay, you can get a normal social experience, but as a web3 product, if you don’t invest, you will miss out on the returns brought by product growth and you won’t be able to participate in product improvement.

Our chat is more of a voice chat

this picture

The anchor can get more income by receiving gifts and voice

We will have certain requirements for the number of fans

We want better creators to get more rewards, not bad streamers to get more

III. Free-asking

1. Where I can get the latest updates or more information about the project?

Social media:

🐦 Twitter :

💻 Discord :

📖 Whitepaper :

🎮 Official website :

🔪 Medium:


2. How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you have local communities like Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea,.. so they can better understand your project?

we have community managers

Basically every country has

3. IS This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

Open to most users, our main user group is the web2 crowd

4. Do you have a AUDIT certificates?


are you working to AUDIT your project, so that the security of the project becomes more secure and reliable?

We look for the best security audits and publish everything to secure your money

5. Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product?

We accept feedback from the community to improve the product and you can always remove our opinion on our product if you wish

6. Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? What kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

We will vote on the function in the latest update, any large comments we your party opinion, because are the best investors


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VietNam Coin Market

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