Recap AMA GEMS — Esports 3.0 Platform x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
8 min readJul 6, 2022


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 10 minutes left and the AMA event of GEMS — ESPORTS 3.0 PLATFORM will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and GEMS — ESPORTS 3.0 PLATFORM project’s representative is @Tra_My_Angel, @harryphg, @AJ_Gems.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

✔️ Part 1 — Welcome

✔️ Part 2 — Q&A

✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:

🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT

✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:

🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

🆘 GEMS — Esports 3.0 Platform official channels:


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Let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Tra_My_Angel, @harryphg, @AJ_Gems.

I. Introduce GEMS

Question 1. Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Hi everyone this is Tra My, Head of Vietnam for GEMS project. It’s a great pleasure meeting the Vietnam Coin Market community here!

GEMS stands for Gamefi, Esports, Metaverse & SocialFi — GEMS core business pillars include a portal, a NFT rental library, a Fanfi studio and a competitive pools arena. GEMS is an one stop destination for gamers that integrates the young population into the new sharing economy.

We have a vision to make GameFi as the next Esports. So what we are bringing in in this blue ocean is to solve the high entry fee to the GameFi world as we witness that the gaming NFT are so expensive, enhance blockchain talent scarcity with training on the DAO guild and bring the blockchain community.

Question 2. What makes the GEMS — Esports 3.0 Platform stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

@thegemsgg is a new concept in the blockchain industry.

GEMS is like a STEAM plus GUILD, which leverages our online platform with an offline presence.

Online refers to the GEMS platform, which is an Esports 3.0 aggregator platform within an O2O ecosystem. Offline refers to our hotel network across Asia, with Southeast Asia as the initial footstep. We believe that GameFi will be the next Esports! Thus, we would like to build an ecosystem that enables all types of users even for non gamers to be a part of this with features with DeFi features like DeFi union, DAO Guild!

Question 3. Who are some business partner/clients for GEMS — Esports 3.0 Platform?

@thegemsgg have a lot of partners to support us in this project! We established a strong partnership with partners such as Dreams Quest, Polkabridge, Project Seed, Formless, Metis, IQ Protocol, Formless and the strong partnership list goes on! We believe that GEMS and all our partners, we can make GameFi the next Esports, create Esports 3.0 together

Also, if you look into our advisor list, you may find some clues on our upcoming partnerships.

Question 4. What are the memorable milestones of GEMS — Esports 3.0 Platform in the research and development process?

Over the past month, GEMS has successfully raised over 5M USDT and attracted top-notch VCs and blockchain investors to invest in our projects like GAINS Associates, Cabin VC, DEXT FORCE, AvStar Capital including launchpads.

On top of that, we have encountered over 40+ ecosystem partners including GameFi heavyweight players such as Dreams Quest, Project Seed, Solchicks, and many more.

Not to mention, GEMS is currently working with our partners in Southeast Asia, to expand our ambitious hotel network in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Cambodia. So that players can gather teams and battle in competitions in our Esports and GameFi tournaments.

We are aiming to launch our project in the next bull run this year, and we hope you guys are as excited as we are!

Question 5. What does GEMS — Esports 3.0 Platform plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

According to our roadmap, the team are currently working on hard on the Demo launcher where we received positive feedbacks from some of the close partners that we are in touch with.

We will also host PVP / Team VS Team Battle Pools so fans will also be able to participate and engage with the rise of stars in our fanfi studio with fans token that they can show their love and suport to the GameFi gamers and influencers!

II. Questions on Twitter

#1. What are your top priorities in the coming 2022, so could you share some plans for the upcoming year? Which part of the project are you most focused on right now??


GEMS from a development / product view is currently focusing on the platform launcher will be made available with a useable NFT Rental. & Subscription based marketplace [DEMO] aimed for early Q1 which will be made online via .That being said our NFT rental platform is the first platform being launched and developed so that we can encourage the gamers inside of you all to adopt the new Esports 3.0 approach.

#2. I think, Success of a project also depends on how large the community is. Do you have plans to spread awareness to both crypto users & non crypto users in the world? Especially non-English speaking countries that may be restricted from accessing your project?!!?


Part of our GEMS development team comes from a traditional gaming background, which includes myself. The game UX designs are based off of years of insider gaming experience. Using this knowledge we believe we have developed a platform where non crypto gamers but more traditional gamers still also understand and get into crypto gamefi. We have taken tradtional gaming UX and given it a crypto gamefi twist, merging traditional with the new.

#3. Since the majority of NFT’s have little or no value, it is difficult to survive liquidity because people do not constantly trade them in pairs, so it is difficult to liquidate NFT. GEMS have NFT ecosystem, Can you tell me how GEMS plans to solve this big problem?


The @thegemsgg membership and platform would include metaverse passport as NFT, and that will also include a dynamic 3D emotional digital avatar NFT.

The solution is suggested as one of the offering of GEMS membership. User will be able to use the avatar in various metaverse so please stay tuned on @GEMSannouncement.

#4. What will GEMS plan or strategy to balance the economy of GEMS token and control GEMS price level


We have a well thought out development path plus buy back and burn token mechanisms in the ecosystem that will keep our economy stable. In addition, the ecosystem of GEMS is unique because of the O2O (Online to Offline) transformation model. The practical values ​​will help GEMS have more investors in general and platform users in particular. In addition to protecting this economy, we also do a lot of research when developing algorithms for tokenomic, price protection & economy preservation is still an indispensable goal of GEMS.

#5. The project has good growth potential but the crypto space is not in one of its best moments, can you explain to community members why they should invest in the project & participate in its long-term development?


First of all, to talk about the long-term development of GEMS, we are very confident about our model. As you all know, the current Esport market has brought in billions of dollars in revenue from streaming, tournaments, sales of merchandizes,… and many other activities. But in the immediate future, it is the traditional Esport market, while GEMS is the platform to combine both tradition and new technology, which is Web3.0. We are aiming for a synthetic model that can take Esport further by using Gamefi. In the future Gamefi tournaments will probably be a step forward for the Esport industry as we have more opportunities to expand. GEMS will also act as a Game Launcher, something indispensable for the Esport market. Gaben made Steam initially with only a few games until it became the #1 Game Launcher in the world, so we’re confident we can do the same.

III. Freeasking on Telegram.

Question 1. Many projects have problems with UI / UX and this one turns off new users. How do you plan to improve the interaction with new users and with users outside the crypto space?

With that problem, we’re confidence to make sure everything going smooth with UX design, you can check some demo image about our platform to see more how we have invest to make GEMS become another version of Steam, even better.

Question 2. What do you have?

1️- Telegram Group

2️- YouTube Channel

3️- Medium

4️- Discord

5️- Twitter

6️- Website

FOR this project , where can I get the latest information and what is the latest plan for your project?Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relatiionships?

here our channel :

@thegemsgg have a lot of partners to support us in this project! We established a strong partnership with partners such as Dreams Quest, Polkabridge, Project Seed, Formless, Metis, IQ Protocol, Formless and the strong partnership list goes on! We believe that GEMS and all our partners, we can make GameFi the next Esports, create Esports 3.0 together

Also, if you look into our advisor list, you may find some clues on our upcoming partnerships.

Question 3. Do you have a whitepaper?

If you have, Please share it with us.

Lastly, Do you have plans for pre-sale?

You can check it here :

You can visit our website to know more details

Question 4. Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?

Yes we have, 20% profit of the ecosystem will be used for buy back & burn, follow quarterly. Also we have algorithm that the buy back and burn will continues until 50% of the token total supply is burnt

Question 5. How Do you planning to promote your project in different countries, wherein English is not spoken well? Do you have a local communities for them to better understand your project?

Gems are a global project, We currently have our own GEMS community in countries such as: Thailand, Malaysia, China, Vietnam….. Each country will be taken care of by the local community manager. So GEMS we will reach many different languages…


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VietNam Coin Market

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