Recap AMA IQ.Cash x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
6 min readAug 12, 2020


Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 15 minutes left and the AMA event of IQ.Cash will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and IQ.Cash project’s representative is @finexpo.

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

1 — Say hello, introduce the project

2 — AMA moderator asks the project 5 questions that will be selected first.

3 — Ask the community (unmute the channel and let the community ask questions freely on telegram. Then the guests will choose about 10 good questions to answer)

4 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer

You must complete the task at this Tweet. All violations will result in cancellation of AMA results:

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @finexpo.

Hubert: It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Hubert: Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Andy Smart and simple investment in cryptocurrency IQ

A fast, easy to use crypto coin specially designed for investors and traders with an annual return more 150% Passive Income (Masternodes system)

• How to make more 150% of passive income without leaving your house? Buy and Put up a 3,000 IQ.Cash deposit and see how it works!

Hubert: Welcome!

Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the IQ.Cash project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Andy — fork DASH, IQ low market cap and high interest rates (ROI 160%) Passive Income now. You’re buying at the beginning, from DASH now (4–5% ROI)

Hubert: Thanks for this impressive information. We will go over the next question.

Who are some business partner/clients for IQ.Cash?

Andy Developed and support by Finexpo (, customers can see at our projects:

And more:

Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

Hubert: We will come to the next question:

What are the memorable milestones of IQ.Cash in the research and development process?

Andy Over the last 3 months, several thousand traders have become our investors and we have listed on 5 exchanges:

HitBTC, BitHumb Global, BitForex ,P2PB2B, CoinsBIT

Hubert: Thank you. What does IQ.Cash plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Andy More new Listings (Kucoin, Bibox, Exmo) and more promo actions, Bounty, AMAs and etc.

Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @finexpo for bringing the above useful information.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market team (VCM) will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 3 min to ask. The IQ.Cash project will then choose 10 questions to answer.







Let’s give some mins for @finexpo to choose 10 questions to answer.

@finexpo, you may proceed now.

Question 1. No doubt Masternode is one of the great ways of earning profits. Masternode are less valued due to lack of proper awareness. Can you kindly enlightening us on how masternode are useful for Crypto Investors? What incentive model does IQ.Cash have for it’s Masternode operators?

Masternode IQ (Vip Club Investors) more 200% Passive Income

Masternodes are the nodes in the cryptocurrency network. They are responsible for reviewing and approving transactions, monitoring speed-ups and user security.

Question 2. How many IQ.Cash needed to run a Masternode?

3000 IQ ~120$

Question 3. Do you want to develop the project to the Asian market in the near future?

of course, this is our market (Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia) we work this regions

Question 4. What marketing activity is Core currently pursuing and what marketing activities are planned for the future?

There were 2 rounds of bounty and the other day we were launching round 3

Question 5. How do I purchase a masternode ?How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates about IQ.Cash?

Any exchanges on our site and last news our twitter

Question 6. Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to IQ cash and how? What are the measures to increase awareness of IQ Token in non-crypto space?

More AMAs in the World and more Promo adv!

Question 7. is it really so easy to increase my assets with I simply need a minimum of 3000IQ and pay 1.99EU and will I get more than 150% ROI per year?

Good offer for hosting MasterNodes zCore

They also take the for hosting! 0.99 $/mo

Question 8. What is the real use of the platform for our assets deposited in the MasterNode? Just give more agility and speed to transactions?

Investing (Passive income) and trading

Question 9. What’s the difference between IQcash and IQreceipt?

IQreceipt — close project

Question 10. Is it possible to create an IQ.Cash master node without paying the server rent? Can I have my own server to be the Master Node?

maybe pay a fee that you get IQ for zCore hosting

Question 11. Any marketing plan to attract more user and clients in the future?

Yes we have big marketing plans

Question 12. A lot of people will want to know what the strength of IQCash is but I want to know the weaknesses and problems IQCash faces ? How do you plan to solve it?

Strength — Low market cap and high interest rates (ROI 160%) Passive Income now

Hubert: Thank you @finexpo for replying to the community.

Hubert: Tks sir

We will go to Segment 4, the IQ.Cash project will ask the question. All correct answers will be eligible to win. I will spin after AMA with these cases. Choose the luckiest one of these to receive a reward / each question.
Each person can only answer 1 time / 1 question

Please join IQ.Cash Vietnam group to join segment 4:

Please @finexpo to ask Quiz questions.

Quiz 1 . When the project was launched?

1. 2016

2. 2017

3. 2018

4. 2019

5. 2020

Quiz 2. Who development and supported

1. Traders Fair

2. Crypto Expo

3. Finexpo

4. Binance

5. HitBTC

Quiz 3. Quiz. which Fork is


2. Bitcoin

3. Litecoin

4. Dash

5. ETH

Quiz 4. How much masternodes rewards for blocks?

1. 45%

2. 50%

3. 60%

4. 70%

5. 100%

Quiz 5. How much Passive Income masternode now ROI per year?

1. 10%

2. 50%

3. 100%

4. 150%

5. 200%

So the AMA IQ.Cash at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the IQ.Cash project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the IQ.Cash.

Thanks @finexpo for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join the IQ.Cash community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.



Vietnam Coin Market






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VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

Written by VietNam Coin Market

Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) connects projects and investors. Place of project events, organization of AMA … Telegram:

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