Recap AMA Kamari x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
15 min readMay 26, 2021


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 2 minutes left and the AMA event of Kamari will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and Kamari project’s representative is @rayzray, @georgeh522, and @kampay727.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

✔️ Part 1 — Welcome

✔️ Part 2 — Q&A

✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:

🏆 Reward: $10 USDT / 1 winner.

✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer.

🏆 Reward: $10 USDT / 1 winner.

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @rayzray, @georgeh522, and @kampay727.

Mr Ray: Hi everyone. I’m Ray and one of the co-founders of the project. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Mr KimPay: Hello how are. I am Chris the CEO.

Mr Hubert: Hello

It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Mr KimPay: I first got into crypto in 2016 looking for solutions for cross border payments and financing in Africa — which like many developing countries had hyper inflation and a non fungible state currency.

Mr George: Hi. Thank you

Kamari started due to pressing issues with cross border integration issues in Africa. Through my workings there. We found that the whole continent was not only lacking in products and services but also the ease of monetary integration for the masses

We knew that for a project of this magnitude to succeed we needed to have a mass distribution model

Through my previous experiences we decided that the best way was to engage with the population of these territories via a product they know well and love

That’s why we have partnered with 7 national lotteries to provide the kamari wallet and encourage adoption in the jurisdictions

With this in mind we have brought on multiple partners to help grow this ecosystem rapidly. Including telcos. Defi banking solutions. E commerce platforms to name a few

Using kamari. We are able to stabilise exchange rates with the different countries in the region and along with that have the ability to pool jackpots across Africa. Just like the American Powerball and euromillions some of you maybe familiar with

In our launch country Cameroon alone, we are looking to engage 14m users within 6 months of launch

We are a project that believe that crypto usage is best served where we are addressing an issue for everyday use. A lot of the users will not even feel the crypto element. Just that we have provide a faster cheaper and more liquid user experience.

We are not in the planning stages. We have our licenses already and now ready to go full steam ahead

Hope that give the community a feel of what we’re about

We have developed our wallet with dok wallet which is already available on Googleplay and app store

Our first lottery will be launch 1st August

We also have an initiative on trial for 50000 through our partnership with African grain and seed to provide microfinancing to farmers

This project will expand after initial launch next month to over 1m users in Zimbabwe alone

It is a continent of over 1.4 BN individuals after all

We hope to not only make a difference to the speed of delivery but we will also be helping build the infrastructure that will help the continent grow and develop.

Mr KimPay: On this journey,

I have advised Charles Hoskinson of Cardano on entry to Africa

And realised the key is distribution not just technology

So we have developed a MASS DISTRIBUTION MODEL🌟

My Biog

After completing a law degree at Kings College London LLB, Chris was called to the Bar in 1990, following which he established Trafalgar Chambers on Fleet Street, becoming “the youngest head of barristers’ chambers in the last century” according to the Sunday Times. During this period Mr Cleverly was a regular presenter on Channel 4 and contributor to the other main channels, radio and newspapers. Since then he has been board member of a number of companies in UK, India, China and Africa both listed and private in a number of sectors. As CEO of Made In Africa Foundation, Mr.Cleverly was co-architect of the $1.5 billion Africa50 fund with the African Development Bank which has been lead investor in a number of large scale renewable energy projects



Chris has advised a number of UK plcs on their entrance into African markets, including negotiation of oil blocks, mineral concessions and banking licences. He also advises the UK Government on development issues and African governments on investment issues. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Reading University in 2014 and has recently completed a course in Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.

We have a world class team

Ray was boss of gaming for as well as one of the biggest gaming companies in the world

Dov is hugely successful BTC trader since 2013

We came together to fulfill the promise of blockchain

Mr Ray: Hi I’m Ray, I have been involved with multiple gaming companies in the past and most recently been the head of games and lottery @

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study the Kamari project.

Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the Kamari project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Mr Geogre: We have a potential upside with the mass distributed model. The fact that we have very strong partnerships and adding more and more every week. We are able to be far reaching in terms of user acquisition and the services that we integrate within our ecosystem is endless.

We are a ready project that is listing within 2 weeks helps to an ever increasing crypto works with low patience and a lot of noise.

Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

We will come to the next question:

Who are some business partner/clients for Kamari?

Mr Geogre: We will be launching the African grain at seed partnership in June and by August we will have the Cameroon lottery up and running.

In term of the rest of the year. We have the technical know-how and personnel to launch a country every 6–8 weeks from there onwards

Soon users will be able to borrow/lend/spend and be entertained through a single wallet.

Mr Ray: We have multiple Telco partners in all our countries

7 lotteries in 7 different countries.

Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :))

Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:

What are the memorable milestones of Kamari in the research and development process?

Mr Ray: I think the beginning of any project is always the hardest, These include travelling around all the different countries to have meetings and discussions with people from all walks of life including heads of states to the farmers and labourers we are assisting in their everyday lives.

Mr KimPay: We travelled the length and breadth of continent many times over

Met presidents princes and businessmen

And worked and built businesses there ourselves from the ground up

Mr Ray: Obtain the licenses with our partners and developing the knowledge of cryptos in country proved challenging so it took us a bit longer than even we expected. We have been around for a few years now developing our connections and products and now we are ready to launch and take on the next exciting milestone of launching to a continent of 1.4bn people

It journey that will continue for a long time and we are excited to see how much more products and services we can bring

we are an organisation that thrives when faced with challenges and we have a strong and experienced team that can deal with most of what comes up. In Crypto and in Africa, everyday is different and the challenges we face are evolving

Mr Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.

We to the last question of the Q-A segment:

What does Kamari plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Mr Ray: Through our multiple partnerships, which include telecoms companies, financial and insurance operations, lotteries and farmer associations, we believe that the Kampay wallet will be widely distributed throughout the countries. We are addressing everyday needs for purchases, financial and entertainment. All to be done through the wallet interface

We believe that the biggest adoption of crypto will come when the user doesn’t even know or care whether they are using crypto or not. They are using our interface to address everyday needs

Our latest partnership is to build a crypto to fiat wallet with one of southern Africa’s most important payment gateways

This is a FIRST for AFRICA.

Blockchain technology just makes the process faster, easier, more accessible and cheaper!

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊

The last question is already done. Thank you @rayzray, @georgeh522, and @kampay727 for bringing the above useful information.

We will come to the answer to the question from the community side.

Segment 3. Questions on Twitter.

#1 What are the ways is Kamari generating profits/revenue to maintain your project and what is its revenue model ? How can it make benefit win-win to both investors and your project ?

Mr Ray: Kamari Generates Revenue through transaction fees charged to the retailers and operating partners. We also generate revenue/profit shares by all the products and services partners that we offer throughout the countries. This will allow Kamari to generate enough revenue to keep the project going throughout any market conditions. Our ecosystem allows us to add any form of partners that appeals to the users, these will cover the journey from purchase, sales, services, financial help, insurance all the way down to paying their everyday bills. We are indevelopment to be interoperable with most of the popular tokens and will continue to do so as new ones arrive

Mr Hubert: We come to question #2:

What is the real target of Kamari ? is it intended only for publications or could it also be implemented in contracts between people? How far do you want to take Kamari ?

Mr Ray: We look forward to taking Kamari beyond Africa and are currently in talks with not only 21 countries in Africa but also LATAM, Caribbean and Asia

The solution is applicable to all countries. Our business model is working with local jurisdictions in order to facilitate mass distribution so anywhere where we have distribution and partners we are there. Crypto is a borderless industry and connects the world and so will we.

We want to be the wallet of choice for millions addressing their everyday needs. And the more we understand and hear what our users want, the better we become.

Mr Hubert: We come to question #3:

How is the Kamari doing in terms of funding to be able to keep up the development of the product and introduce new partnerships for years to come?

Mr Ray: Thank you for the question We are fully funded for the private round and will be launching our IDO soon to the public. We will be listed by the first week of June and looking forward to all your support. We have our wallet being ready for 1 week after launch as we are going through final testing.

The pools will open when we list on pancake swap and our first lotteries will be ready in summer. Lots going on at the moment and we are very excited. The team has been operating in the region for well over 10 years so we have lots of experience on the ground and in the sectors we are entering

Everyday we are meeting people within and out of the crypto community to see if any products or services will be beneficial to our users, We are all about partnerships and collaborations so we believe that the ecosystem will be stronger with the best products out there

Mr Hubert: Thank Ray. We’ll come to question #4:

Many projects only want to sell project tokens instead of solving real world issue. What problem does your project aim to solve?

Mr Ray: We started in Africa with our solution because the general population have no access to a lot of products and services that the rest of the world take for granted, These include education, access to insurance products, borrowing and lending for their small businesses, entertainment and investments for retirement. These are all issues that are real and everyday for a large majority. We have been developing partnerships which address these issues and more to gibe the users a choice in the matter

We are also talking to multiple global infrastructure building and funding partners to help and introduce real investment and real change into each of the jurisdictions we are operating in.

Real world problems need real world solution. Kamari can help via utilising our distribution and connections to help keep the development swift and transparent.

Mr Hubert: We’ll come to the last question in segment 3.

#5 Currently, many countries are enacting laws to Regulate coins, and I am curious if the team has legal advisors and solutions to solve the related problems.

Mr Ray: The legal landscape of the crypto is changing on a daily basis so we are staying on top of developments through our network of lawyers and advisors who are at the forefront of the industry. We are also working with local governments to go through legal frameworks or in some cases advising them on how we can work together to base the structures on. It makes it slightly easier for us as we are working with companies and partners that have a lot of experience in country and already are established in their respective regions.

After our token Generation event, we have a quick and swift roadmap with which to go. Within 1 month we will have our staking program in place along with our pilot program to provide a defi solution through our partners for 50000 farmers which if successful will be extended to 1,000,000. In terms of our lottery partner, we will be launch in Cameroon by the end of summer and will have access through the local marketing partnerships to reach 14m people within the first 6 months. We are a very real project with licenses already in place for quick adoption. We are not just thinking, we are already in motion

All these and more project are done in collaboration with local government permissions and blessings

We are there to help improves lives and have found that the different jurisdictions we are working with are very welcoming.

Mr Hubert: Thanks to Ray for answering the community’s questions on Twitter.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The Kamari project will then choose 5 questions to answer.




Let’s go!



Let’s give some mins for @rayzray, @georgeh522, and @kampay727 to choose 10 questions to answer.

@rayzray, @georgeh522, and @kampay727, you may proceed now.

Question 1. Many investors hit and run in the sell and sell session after listing on the first exchange, How did your project prevent early investors from selling their tokens and what benefits you would give them?

All the team tokens are locked for the first 12 months and we are all in it for the long run. Developing such a monster of a project is all we want and for the betterment of lives. Kamari has spent years developing what we have at launch now and we are a self sustaining model. We will look to be around for decades to come.

Question 2. While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

Yes of course, we love feedback from both our users and our active communities. We look to take on opinion from them both and see if we can improve our product. Were not silly as to think we have got things right day one. We are also on the look out for more as new technologies become available,

Question 3. Would you build your own wallet?

Yes, already built. It’s called DOC wallet.

Question 4. Only getting users, holders etc is not everything. In my opinion, a project needs to deal with solving a real world issue or problem What is the problem that your project primarily focuses on?

Solving the issues of poor and inadequate banking infrastructure.

Question 5. How do you plan to attract users, incentivize them in the early stages of deployment?

The benefit of having so many partnerships is that not only can we incentivise our users with offers and free services and products. we can also leverage the marketing and reach of our in country partners to grow the user base in a short space of time. And also by working with governments in country, we can have access to resources that we wouldn’t otherwise such as TV slots and National press coverage to promote adoption.

Question 6. Token burning is beneficial to any project because it can control the number of tokens in circulation and provide investors with greater incentives. Does your great project have a plan for token burning?

Not as yet

Question 7. Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?

We focus on individuals and true utility of the Kamari token.

Question 8. So many projects just like to speak about the “long term vision and mission” but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now?

We have a lot to get on with with our staking launch, lotteries, and micro lending platforms, this will be replicated over the 7 territories we are already in the long short term would be to make us available in as many countries as possible. We have the teams and tech to launch a new country every 6–8 weeks so it won’t be too long to get round them all.

Question 9. Those Investors & Partners, who have invested in how will you make sure that they get good returns & how will you Protect the Busy for them?

We have a solid business model that has proven to work. Please check out our media for further information.

Website :




Official Telegram:

Kamari Announcements:

Question 10. Truly, you’ve done AMA in many telegram groups, so what next, what other way will you make your project more popular?
AMAs are only a part of what we are doing, We also have in country partners, YouTube channels, active community discussion base. And for in country adoption we will also have traditional print and media campaigns. We also are active on panels on major international news outlets.

Question 11. Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?

By continuing to implement and work with the needs of our clients and partnering with selected groups to develop better infrastructure through blockchain and advancing technology.

Mr Pay: Thank you very much for your amazing questions and sorry we can’t answer then all. Please do join our marketing channels and support us as we look to launch 3rd June! First available on pancake swap and then CEX to follow shortly




Official Telegram:

Kamari Announcements:

Website :

Mr Hubert: So the AMA Kamari at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the Kamari project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the Kamari.

Thanks @rayzray, @georgeh522, and @kampay727 for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join the Kamari community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.




Official Telegram:

Kamari Announcements:

Website :




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Twitter VCM:

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Wechat ID: taitan296



VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

Written by VietNam Coin Market

Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) connects projects and investors. Place of project events, organization of AMA … Telegram:

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