Recap AMA MetaBros x Vietnam Coin Market Community
Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,
Only 15 minutes left and the AMA event of METABROS will be started
The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and METABROS project’s representative is @Meta_Bros and @hundeezz.
@Meta_Bros and @hundeezz
Translator: @nguyetvcm
Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.
After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.
How’s everything going?
Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session
Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:
✔️ Part 1 — Welcome
✔️ Part 2 — Q&A
✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.
Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Meta_Bros and @hundeezz.
Mr Kule: Hey guys! Thank you so much for having us
Ms Nguyet: Hey Sir, Welcome to VCM Community ❤️
Mr Hundeez: Hi everyone, a pleasure to be here!
Mr Hubert: Welcome! It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.
Mr Kule: of course! Very glad to have this opportunity!
Mr Hubert: @Meta_Bros and @hundeezz Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?
Mr Kule: Hi guys, my name is Luke aka KULE and this is my partner hundeez, I am the founder and main developer of MetaBros, I could described myself as just a normal guy with big aspirations, I primarily manage the directional movement of the project, the creative media and I have constructed the team around me, my immediate wing men include @hundeez (celebrity promotions and marketing specialist) who you’ll meet shortly and also Travis! He is my second brain, primarily moderating the chat in US time zone but also scouts the current market for vantage points, presenting me with up to date marketing opportunities and also double checks all decisions moving forward.
Mr Hundeez: I am Hundeez, I do celebrity marketing, and will be supporting Meta Bros with promotions etc. I have valuable experience doing promotions/collabs for projects with many A-list celebs, athletes, influencers, and content creators. My team and I have worked with quite a few big projects, both crypto coins and NFT projects. Besides that I have also helped some projects with other services like Billboards and Press Release. Also something worth mentioning is that I have connections with people that are close with some of the big footballers like Ronaldinho, Vidal, Coutinho and many others. Who knows maybe one day they’ll be Meta Bros ambassadors ;)
I will certainly be using my extensive marketing connections to take this project far as that is what I have experience in and would be able to help our project with as we progress.
Mr Kule: Thanks bro so a bit about the project, I’ve decided to embark on this mission to bring change to the lives of people just like you and me, I personally have a lot planned not just for the project but for the community, one being fortnightly giveaways to loyal MetaBros holders, celebratory rewards at milestone achievements and also the chance to periodically win custom hand drawn personalised MetaBros themed NFTS which I will be developing along side my official partner!
As for the project short term it’s all about trust and stability, the heart and soul to any project is the community, this is why I’ll be going the extra mile to communicate and engage with my fellow bros to make sure this ship sails smoothly, me and my team were not born yesterday and we fully understand that the current market is flooded with unfulfilled projects and mis sold dreams making it our mission to deliver, the immediate steps we will be taking to making this dream a reality is the production and launch of the in game currency built into an intelligent smart contract and deployed on Ethereum main-net! We have chose this network as it without a doubt identifies as prestige versus the Binance smart chain and with the launch of ETH 2.0 imminent implying lower gas fees this has very much confirmed our decision.
Our long term goal is the create and develop a Play 2 Earn game for iOS and android users making it incredibly easy and convenient to earn at your fingertips, our game once fully developed will be an immerse, colourful and take you on a heart warming adventure across a long lost meta verse built from a simple figment of my imagination. With the three main character, Kule, Leo and May here to introduce you to this forever expanding MetaVerse with plenty more characters along the way, we aim to have something for everyone!
During the mean time, me and my partners will be working tirelessly to create a branch type marketplace which you be able to connect to your MetaBros account, for this marketplace we will be developing even more characters, worlds and accessories soon the be released in NFT format making them trade able but also redeemable within the MetaBros game platform. We plan to constantly adapt to market conditions but also taking into account current trends and also seasonal events ie Christmas and halloween NFT accessory packs!
Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study the METABROS project.
Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
What makes the MetaBros project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Mr Kule: We believe we have a cutting edge against the rest of the market with the pure fact we do not see ourselves as anything more then normal humans coordinated in an effort to improve lives of other humans, besides the project we do not believe this space currently is pleasant to be in, with the great difficulty to trust and the constant betrayal for financial gain, I have carefully selected a team of people with the same mindset to me who have also experienced similar events of betrayal and therefore have the same attitude and motivation to making a genuine difference within this untimely space.
Our project admittedly does share similar characteristic to many others in this current market however we are here to stay, with a vision of a global community of brothers and sisters of the meta, with the project once fully developed our huge community will be able to play, trade and socialise within our platform, interacting with other players, making friends, meeting up in different parts of the meta verse but also the ability to compete in fortnightly tournaments with friends or as a solo Bro! We plan to have tiered levels of tournaments ranging through ability but also entry fee which will accumulate in a prize pool which at the end of each tournament will be awarded to the top 3 players ranked on the leaderboard.
As bringing people together is one of our primary motives we will be making sure there are no huge signup fees but allowing access via simply holding MetaBros tokens, we will aim to have NO unaffordable vip access for normal people but still keep a level of prestige within the platform allowing different levels of access to everyone in regards to profile statistics.
Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.
Mr Kule: Of course bro ! ☺️
Mr Hubert: We will come to the next question:
Who are some business partners/clients for Metabros?
Mr Kule: Here at MetaBros again I have carefully selected team members who will have a positive impact on the project that all have a specific skill set in different areas, for example one of earliest partners is hundeez, I met him in a dark time after an unfortunate event, we got chatting and quickly found common ground, he was one of the main influences to my decision on starting this epic project and have been building bridges ever since, both aiming to bring something to the table, hundeez is my official celebrity and influencer promotor offering a real advantage when it comes to promoting MetaBros, more then just a business partner I’d describe hundeez as a friend and a key part of the team.
Other key team members include previously mentioned travis, he is a key part of my team as he scouts the market and presents me with opportunities offering possible vantage points over the current market. He also helps moderate the chat In his time zone whilst I’m sleeping.
Most recently added to the team is @dmx, he will play a very important role in working along side me to develop a Asian community, this I am very excited about as it means we are one step closer to global adoption.
In terms of business parters the main guy is @TRB developments, he will be working along side me offering technical support and has recently verified my contract ready for deployment, he isn’t a direct team member making him suitable to offer none biased 3rd party services, he will be auditing my contract and also carrying out a full KYC on my project and team !
Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :)).
Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:
What are the memorable milestones of MetaBros in the research and development process?
Mr Kule: As we are still in very early stages i would say we are yet to celebrate a huge milestone, however I cannot deny how proud I am of everyone in the team, the ideas we are putting into production and the difference we will make! Despite us still being prior to launch we have already built many bridges bringing NFT creators, Celebrity promotors, community moderators, contract developers and genuine enthusiasts to the team, my main focus was not to run before I could walk and to make sure the key fundamentals are certain before attracting attention.
Now that my ideas are on paper and the ball is ready to roll, we will be working tirelessly until we are where we aspire to be.
Mr Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.
Mr Kule: Thank you bro it means a lot!
Mr Hubert: We to the last question of the Q-A segment:
What does MetaBros plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Mr Kule: Our plan we have set out is very strict and will go as followed, prior to this amazing opportunity to share with you our aspirations and hear your perspective we will be analysing any immediate issues you have addressed moving forward.
Our seed event will be made public, giving the opportunity to our new found audience and investors a chance to get on board with our team and contribute to a better future, we have allocated a maximum of 12 placements for early investors with a defined interest in our project and community, as a bonus we will be expressing creativity with a give away to 3 lucky seed investors, each winning investor will receive a meta bros themed personalised NFT with characteristics and interests to the 3 lucky winners, these will be developed by myself and our NFT partner Mr. Ventures
After this we will be running a two day marketing campaign utilising skill sets of team members mentioned previously, this will include promotions on multiple platforms namely, twitter, telegram and YouTube, but also allowing hundeez to work his magic with larger influencers.
After this two day period we will initiate a fair launch allowing access only to telegram members but also protecting them with out strategic anti bot procedure.
Ensuring all of this is fulfilled successfully we will then begin building more bridges and expanding our community through extensive marketing lead by our partnered promotors but also taking into account adaptive new ideas put forward by our marketing pioneer.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊
Mr Kule: Thank you bro glad to have you on board!
Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @Meta_Bros and @hundeezz for bringing the above useful information.
Mr Kule: It’s been a pleasure!
Mr Hubert: We’ll come to the first question.
#1 I’ve found out that MetaBros will be conducting a weekly giveaways starting at 0.1 ETH. Can you please talk more about your weekly giveaway campaign? How can we participate and who are eligible to enter?
Mr Kule: Hey so yeh this is correct! I plan host to the first giveaway just a day after token launch, I’ll be doing this to gain trust but to also celebrate the launch of our token, there on after I will be doing a .1 eth give away every Friday to 1 lucky holder, however this will progress with bigger prizes to more holders in ratio to holder count etc, the winners will be selected by taking all active holders addresses from etherscan and putting them into a random selector tool! To be eligible all you have to do it actively hold Metabros tokens!
Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We come to question #2:
#2 Many projects look great only on their whitepaper & Roadmap but facing a lot of difficulties when trying to implement the project mission and end with failed. How does #Meta_Bros overcome every obstacle in its project development?
Mr Kule: Of course it is very easy to tell someone about an idea but fulfilling it is not so easy, taking into account failed projects I feel their main downfall was pressure and the feeling of having to rush, despite the ever changing marketing demand we still plan to take our time to fully developed ideas and build bridges with the right people to ensure the success of our project and team, when presented with an obstacle we work very quickly to learn about the problem but also introducing new people to the team helping over come problems until we become completely self sufficient as a whole.
Mr Hubert: Thanks for your answer. We’ll continue with question #3:
#3 All project coins have their main Utilities & real-life usecase! So, Can you tell us what are the main role of your coin in your ecosystem? Explain it’s Utilities & Real-Life usecases? and Why should i invest in your coin for long term?
Mr Kule: No problem so the main function / utility is that our token will be used as in game currency once our P2E game is ready for launch, I understand this is long term so in the mean time we will be working on NFT character collections which too will be redeemable in game and also purchase-able on our NFT platform with MetaBros tokens, I have recently partnered up with a skilled developer who will be working along side me to developer an NFT marketplace platform which will function within our v2 webpage, I believe if you can see what I can see you’d already be on board.
Mr Hubert: Thank you for helping DB Capital understand more about the MetaBros project. We come to THINKDEMY’s question
#4 So many projects just like to speak about the “long term vision and mission” but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now?
Mr Kule: So yes of course the long term goal is essential for overall directional movement however short term goals are essential in order to reach the bigger picture, the things we are working on right now include:
◦ we are working on building an Asian community, and at the time of writing I have just introduced a Chinese representative to my team who I’ll be working along side to get the secondary community up and running as soon as possible.
◦ My marketing team is currently preparing a 2 day marketing campaign introducing our project to successful influencers and also celebrities!
◦ My media team are developing creative ideas for more interesting characters and accessories ready for the launch of our first wave of NFTs.
◦ I have recently been developing my contract along side my technical support partner to make sure we have covered all necessary functions of the token and has since successfully performed a 3rd review on our contract enabling us to deploy successfully prior to the seed event and marketing campaign. He is also ready at a moments notice to perform and Audit once deployed and is also going to complete an extensive KYC on my project as well as my team.
Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We come to question number 5:
Most of the questions people had during the AMA asked about the strengths of the Project . So at this time, can we talk about your difficulties and challenges? What difficulties did you face developing “MetaBros’ and how did you overcome them?”
Mr Kule: So the biggest difficulty we have faced and will continue to face is trust, although this is a general problem with the entire crypto space especially with new projects it is still our top priority to address to build a stronger community and project moving forward, we plan to break through anonymity by engaging daily with our community but also personally doxing with early investors hoping to spread the word that we are normal people just like the rest of you, this isn’t just a problem we will face with investors but I have also faced when constructing my team, the main step I have taken is by going the extra mile and personally communicating with each team member as if they were one of my immediate friends or Bros which I can say has certainly paid off, this is a measure I’m happy to take with investors, partners and community members until we have reached our goal of unity.
Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @Meta_Bros or bringing the above useful information.
Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The METABROS project will then choose 5 questions to answer.
Mr Kule: That was tough! you guys have been amazing, I still can’t wait to hear more.
Mr Hubert: 1
Let’s go!
Let’s give some mins for @Meta_Bros and @hundeezz to choose 5 questions to answer.
@Meta_Bros and @hundeezz, you may proceed now.
Question 1. Do you have a whitepaper? if yes please share it with us and secondly are you working to AUDIT your project, to make its security more secure and reliable?
So yes we have released a white paper version 1 and I will post the link for you down below,
as for an audit currently we are yet to deploy, however our contract has been successfully reviewed and verified by our 3rd party partner and is on stand by ready to complete an audit as soon as we have deployed, we will also be taking all necessary steps including extensive kyc to ensure everything about the project including our team involved is secure and trust worthy.
Question 2. Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space.
Hey what a great question and yes our team is very capable of doing this, due to the nature of my contacts it makes it viable to promote and spread awareness to non-crypto users via celebrity promotions, billboards, Press Release, and also popular influencers/content creators. This I believe is a key vantage point we have over anyone else; however due to the increased vulnerability of the audience I wouldn’t feel comfortable promoting this way for anyone else, but I know my team very well and have faith this project will change lives for the better.
Question 3. What is your global expansion plan? At present, which market do you focus on, or on building and developing to win customers, users and partners?
Currently due to the nature of our team we already have active member world wide with members in the UK, US and AUSTRALIA, however we are working on branching out to break through the language barrier to push towards further global adoption, recently joined @DMX is working along side me to help develop a Chinese community which should be ready for launch in the next coming days, however we will not stop here actively seeking key team members who have the ability to speak two languages, ps if anyone in here feels like they have something to offer in relation to this please don’t hesitate to message me.
Question 4. Current NFT is a hot topic, but are NFT not just for art. Does your project think that more real world use cases will emerge for NFTs as time goes on, why should we take NFTs seriously?
Yes you are 100% correct, currently I feel NFTs are only just emerging and are a real under estimated super power, taking this into account we will be working hard to produce varying NFT collections which will be redeemable in game as items, characters, and even environments, these NFTs will be also tradable on our marketplace, here’s a sneak peak of May with her companion ‘foxy’ who will be available in NFT format which you can further redeem in game to use along side May to complete quests and battles.
Question 5. What are your plans regarding private sale? When will you conduct it? How can I participate in the private round? What are requirements? When is public round? How to participate in it?
So currently as scheduled we will publicly launch our seed event prior to the success of this wonderful AMA, the event will be announced in our telegram channel, if you feel that our project is something you’d like to get involved with we kindly ask you to dm us where i will share with you the terms and conditions of the event and thoroughly go through all specific details in regards to, I’d also like to personally have a chat to each investor via video chat just so we both know who we are working with and to further elaborate on the project.
Following the success of our seed event we will commence our pre planned marketing campaign which will take place over 2 days, following this we will run a fair launch which too will be announced in our telegram channel,
Id just like to mention about certain features we have in place with our contract to prevent unwanted activity from bots and snipers, some of these features are as followed…
◦ Antibot measure which when active will automatically restrict how quickly a wallet can complete transactions implementing a ‘cool-off’ period with adjustable timeframes.
◦ The ability to recognise small time frame buy-sell patterns flagging snipers allowing our team to have an advantage over catching them early and blacklisting the wallets used.
◦ We have a variable max buy limit sometimes called ‘anti whale’ function used to prevent wallets from buying up too many tokens upon launch, we also have a short term maximum hold limit of each individual wallets, with these features operating along side ‘cool-off’ we hope to deliver the best opportunity for normal people to buy fairly on uniswap.
◦ We also have a short term time dependant max sell tax feature to stop bots and snipers taking profits. Please note this will only be implemented upon launch and the days followed until stable.
Mr Hubert: Thank you @Meta_Bros for replying to the community.
So the AMA METABROS at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the METABROS project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the METABROS.
Thanks @Meta_Bros and @hundeezz for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.
Again, don’t forget to join the METABROS community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.
Telegram Group:
Mr Kule: Thank you so much for having us guys it’s been a pleasure! I hope to build a brighter future for us all ☺️
Mr Hundeez: Thank you! and many thanks to the community as well 💙
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