Recap AMA My Neighbor Alice x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
11 min readJan 28, 2021


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 5 minutes left and the AMA event of My Neighbor Alice will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and My Neighbor Alice’s representative is @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session

“My Neighbor Alice

Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

1 — Say hello, introduce the project

2 — AMA moderator asks the project 4 questions that will be selected first)

3 — Ask the community (unmute the channel and let the community ask questions freely on telegram. Then the guests will choose about 10 good questions to answer)

4 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer

Please like, follow, and retweet this tweet:

Please join the My Neighbor Alice group:

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina.

Mr Lenny: Hi everyone👋

Mrs Anastasia: Hello 👋

Mrs Nguyet: Hey, Welcome to VCM Community ❤️.

Mr Lenny: Many thanks, happy to be here🤩

Mr Hubert: Hello. It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Mr Lenny: Hi all! My name is Lenny Pettersson and the CMO of Antler Interactive. I have 15+ years of experience within the media & gaming industry. Before Antler I worked 8 years as Senior Marketing Manager for the Nordic & Baltic region at Turner a WarnerMedia company. Vast experience in launching original IPs (such as Adventure Time, Ben 10 and Powerpuff Girls) for Cartoon Network.

Mrs Anastasia: My name is Anastasia. And I am working with Marketing together with the Antler Interactive team. My background: I have an MA in Business and Marketing. Ex-professional athlete and gamer. 😊 I am working closely with blockchain, crypto, and gaming and have vast experience in these fields.

Mr Lenny: Since last autumn we’re working on a new big game, which has a greater scope than any of our previous titles, called My Neighbor Alice. My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer builder game, where anyone can buy and own virtual islands, collect and build exciting items, and meet new friends. Inspired by successful games such as Animal Crossing, the game combines the best of the two worlds — a fun narrative for regular players who want to enjoy the gameplay experience as well as an ecosystem for players who want to collect and trade NFTs, even if they have no idea what an NFT is.

Our goal is to make My Neighbor Alice not just a game for blockchain players. But a game to introduce blockchain to millions of players.

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study My Neighbor Alice Invest project.

Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the My Neighbor Alice project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Mrs Anastasia: Thanks for asking 😊

We compete with titles like Animal Crossing and Minecraft, but the difference for the players is that in our game you’ll be able to monetize the energy, effort and sweat that you put into the game. 😅 You don’t need to pay a dime to get into the game, instead you can earn money along the road if your assets or your land look interesting enough for other players.

We let players join a big creative and cute world where you’ll eventually be able to get paid for creations.

Watch our cute trailer!

Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

Yesterday, VCM also supported a blockchain game project. It is similar to this, but must load WAX to play. It seems your project is more impressive.

We will come to the next question:

Who are some business partner/clients for My Neighbor Alice?

Mr Lenny: Thanks for asking:) A very important milestone was reached not long ago when we secured both financial support as well as strategic partners that will be of great importance for this project, Kyros Ventures being one of them. Since then more partners have come onboard such as Ankr and Bounce Finance. We also recently got NFT specialist Pranksy onboard:) That combined with our current team aboard makes us really excited about the future of this project. You can read more about it in the Announcement channel for My Neighbor Alice. Please stay tuned for more news about more partnerships:).

Mr Hubert: I see the presence of many major partners. That is a wonderful thing sir.

Can not hesitate any longer. Everyone is curious about the development of the project:

What are the memorable milestones of My Neighbor Alice in the research and development process?

Mr Lenny: As mentioned previously, an important milestone was securing key partners for the project. Some upcoming milestones we´re really excited about as well:) The timeline for MNA is 1) Early prototype on Steam for token holders in January 2) Early access in 2021 summer 3) 1.0 version of the game in end of Q1/Q2 2022.

Without being too specific, we aim to bring MNA to millions of players within a few years🚀

Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :))

We to the last question of the Q-A segment:

What does My Neighbor Alice plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Mrs Anastasia: We are working to exceed our social media and community outreach for as many new members as possible. Our game can be interesting not only for crypto communities but also for general casual gamers and fans of the genre. In plans: to have regular airdrops, NFT giveaways, Treasure Hunts, more AMA’s 🙂 Please stay tuned on our Twitter not to miss any of those! 😉

We are also doing a Giveaway right now and welcome you to participate in it! Find more info here: 🎁

Mr Lenny: Yes, please sign up for early access of the game🚀🤩

Mr Hubert: How wonderful. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊

The last question is already done. Thank you @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina for bringing the above useful information.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market team (VCM) will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 3 min to ask. The My Neighbor Alice will then choose 10 questions to answer.

Note: Do not copy questions asked by other community AMAs about My Neighbor Alice.

@lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina Are you ready for segment 3?

Mrs Anastasia: Ready 🚀

Mr Lenny: 🚀 🚀 🚀

Mr Hubert: 1



Let’s go!



Let’s give some mins for @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina to choose 10 questions to answer.

@lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina, you may proceed now.

Mr Lenny: Wow, that was a LOT of questions😮🤩

Mrs Anastasia: How to scroll through them all? 😅

Mr Nguyet: Lots of questions but we only choose 10 questions.

Mr Hubert: We can randomly choose good questions. :))

Question 1. Are you planning to develop other types of games instead of the island theme of “My Neighbor Alice”? Or will “Neighbor Alice” be your only blockchain-based game?

Hi 👋 Since 2016 we’ve been working on 6 game titles at Antler, including both VR and AR technology. We have always loved experimenting with new tech and in 2018 we started looking into what we could do with blockchain. Not long after we released our first game with our first type of blockchain integration in Krystal Kart — A Mario Kart-kind of AR game. If you owned a CryptoKitty in your CryptoWallet you would get a free “CryptoKitty-Kart” that you could race with it on the Android version of the game. And now it is builder game My Neighbor Alice. But it is not the only game we are working on! More info will come soon 😉

Question 2. My neighbor Alice is meant to be for everyone to play, no wallet or blockchain skills are needed. How can the game have tokenized assets without a wallet to store them and further connections with foreign sites to commercialize?

That´s a very good question. There will be a fun layer of gameplay that anyone can use without needing a wallet. However, if you want to take full advantage of all the features in the game such as tokenised assets, play to earn etc.

Question 3. Are there in game rewards in the $MyNeighborAlice game while playing it regularly?

Hello! You will earn rewards by logging in to the game daily, doing quests, and completing your daily missions. It will be a huge world where you can stick to something you like and always be rewarded for your daily activities.

We will be adding more information on the gameplay to the website And don’t forget to join us on Telegram!

Question 4. I have seen that you have done many AMAs, my question is, what do you expect to get from so many AMAs and what are your goals with the community? Do you consider the community to be a fundamental role in the project?

Community has a great role to play in the My Neighbor Alice ecosystem. Right here and now it´s of course a focus on raising awareness as well as getting valuable feedback which is very appreciated for the development of the game.

In the long run the community will be leading the way for My Neighbor Alice through the game´s DAO.

Question 5. COVID 19 has slowed many economies around the world but as a crypto business has it affected you negatively or positively? Secondly, are you still on track to achieve your targets as the road map says?

👋 Not much to be honest. As a studio we started working from home already in March and so when we started with the Alice project we had already adjusted in a lot of ways. Even though covid 19 has brought a lot of damage to the world, for us it might actually have attracted more potential future gamers.

Question 6. 🏞No project can survive on its own. Can you tell us some of your partners and who you plan to collaborate with, in the nearest future?

AS mentioned earler you can find a list of some of the partners here:

Question 7. When will be public able to play the game? When are you planning to release?

An early access version of the game will be launched sometime in Q3 this year:)

Question 8. What are the benefits of your Ankr partnership? What advantages does this bring to My neighbor Alice?

The partnership includes NFT marketplaces integration and gamified financial product initiatives. With the design of competitive swap, Bounce Finance supports different auction mechanisms for token trades on Ethereum as well as Binance Smart Chain.

Question 9. Feature is the most vital thing in building project growth, a product will not develop without good feature and promotion, whatever it is good. Can you provide a list of killer features that scare your competitors over your project?

👋 In my opinion, our primary feature to make our project stand out from other blockchain gaming projects is our clear focus on a target group that doesn’t know blockchain already. That is a big market and they would benefit from playing and spending time on games from which they can get rewards in the end. We plan to make it super easy and smooth for those players to start playing and to get into the game and enjoy it. No need to buy tokens just to get started.

Check out our website!

Question 10. Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

It is not clear what safety & security means here, of course nothing can ever be secure enough, we can although compare ourselves with the direct competitors.

Originals is Chromia’s non fungible asset protocol, it allows to decentralize complex logic and information (such as values).

This means that your non fungible assets (what in Ethereum are known as NFTs) are much more decentralized than other blockchains, this translates into shifting the control over these assets from us (the game developers) towards the users.

The bottom line is that you have more freedom to use the assets and — should the company ever fail — you’ll be able to play the whole game with your assets on blockchain forever.

Should we get hacked, this would not change much for the users.

The process of full decentralization will be progressive (and probably slow) but the whole point is to transfer the ownership to the community that will be able to take more and more decisions autonomously in DAO like fashion (atm called Chromunity.)

About Chromia:


Mr Hubert: Thank you @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina for replying to the community.

We will go to Segment 4, the My Neighbor Alice will ask the question. The person with the fastest correct answer will win.

Each person can only answer 1 time / 1 question.

Please @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina to ask Quiz questions.

Quiz 1. Which feature of My Neighbor Alice excites you the most?

No prior know-how regarding cryptocurrency is required to play and earn!

To play and earn some previous experience might be needed but we´ll make it as easy as possible for everyone. You will however be able to play and fun with the game withyout wallet or crypto knowledge.

Quiz 2. Can you name some of the games My Neighbor Alice has been inspired by?

Animal Crossing at least.

Quiz 3. Name a previous game by Antler Interactive.

Krystopia: A Puzzle and Krystopia — A Puzzle Journey

Quiz 4. On what blockchain is My Neighbor Alice running on?


Quiz 5. In our Whitepaper we mention that this particular Game & Television project inspired us for creation of My Neighbor Alice. What is the name of it? 😊 You can find the right answer here: WP:

Pettson och Findus

So the AMA My Neighbor Alice at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the My Neighbor Alice. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the My Neighbor Alice.

Thanks @lenny_antlerinteractive and @anastasiazudina for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join the My Neighbor Alice community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.

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Mr Lenny: Thanks everyone and many thanks to you at VietNam Coin Market, this was a great AMA🤩😍

Mr Hubert: AMA is great. VCM and everyone are always here and waiting for new information from the project.

Mrs Anastasia: Thank you for having us! Great AMA and we are glad that so many of you are interested in the project!

Don’t forget to give us a follow 😉



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Wechat ID: taitan296



VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

Written by VietNam Coin Market

Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) connects projects and investors. Place of project events, organization of AMA … Telegram:

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