Recap AMA Mytherian x Vietnam Coin Market Community
A. Welcome and Q-A
Could you briefly introduce about yourselves?
Hello everyone, thank you for joining the AMA session today. You can call me Willow, I am the Prophetess of Mytheria’s world and it is my honour to share with you about our project as well as our big events coming.
What is Mytheria? What makes it special?
Thanks for the question.
Mytheria: Clash of Pantheon is a trading card game inspired by the idea that Gods from many different countries combat in epic battles. For those of you who are used to with Trading Card Game, this is probably one of the very rare time you might hear about a TCG mixing with MOBA elements, making the gameplay more complex and exciting. Thanks to blockchain technology, not only you can TRULY own your cards, you can even trade, rend or aunction them. Lots of posibilities to explore.
We are proud to be the first Create-to-Earn game in the market. If you are an artist, a writer, a developer, or even and musician, etc. you can contribute your skills and artwork to the game, and then receive your reward or incentive for what you have created. The game’s ambition is to build a world of Gods from all over the world, where players can enjoy the unlimited resources of the game and creators are rewarded handsomely by this Create-to-Earn mechanism.
We are currently running GodForge contest with a $ 50,000 total prize fund. No registration fees, and open to artists worldwide. We’ve gone halfway through the contest, reached out to 10,000 artists, and received nearly a hundred qualified submissions and still counting.
I heard that Mytheria just had IGO on Binance. What made this special?
What a question, thanks a lot, there is so much I wanna say about this
Our team is proud to do IGO with Binance because not every project can deal with them as there are fewer than 10 games that can be partnered with them currently. They do have strict requirements in terms of project quality, community quality, human resources, etc., and Mytheria has qualified for all of those and proud to become the 10th one on the list.
IGO on Binance is an important stepping stone and the best choice for the project at this moment because Binance’s strict standards have shown that they are a serious partner, and it also means Mytheria has achieved a certain guarantee level. It is an affirmation and support for the development process of the project.
Congratz on the successful IGO. Do you have any event to celebrate this?
Thank you! Our IGO was such a game-changer. Our IGO was such a game-changer. To celebrate this, we are running a Gleam event with over 50 Prizes that EVERYONE CAN JOIN.
All you have to do are very simple tasks such as like and share on Facebook, retweet on twitter and you are done. Tons of prizes with total value up to 10,000$. For details, please go to the following link:
Do not miss this one of a kind chance and let’s dive in the generous prizepool! all you have to do is just share, like, retweet and it’s simple as that!
So I heard that Mytheria’s Pandora Packages NFT sale just ended. Sounds interesting. Can you give us more details about it?
Yea thank you @taitan296 , so many big things happened!
For this special event, we have total of 3,000 Pandora Packages — 50 Diamond Packages + 2,950 Gold Packages. Each package contains 2 chest: 1 Diamond/Gold chest and 1 Bonus chest. So whoever joined the NFT sales got 2 chests with just 1 purchase. What a deal!
As many people did not wanna miss that chance, all 3000 packages were sold within the first day! Making us top 1 sales on Binance, despite the overall market is not very bright at the moment.
For Diamond package, there is 100% chance to get 1 Legendary card or above, and 100% chance to get a Limited Zodiac card with the highest rarity in game. Meanwhile, the Gold package has 100% to get at least 1 Epic card or above, double the drop rate of God cards — powerful cards that have decisive skills on battle, while the Gold bonus chest has the chance to get a Limited Zodiac card or Pet voucher that can be used in game later.
The Bonus chest can be opened in Jan 13th, as many chest owners, we are very excited for that day to come.
Wow, impressive that 3000 packages were sold out within the first day. Congratz! Anything else that we should not miss?
Thank you! Yes, event next to event, celebration next to celebration. To celebrate Mytheria’s first ever IGO event on Binance NFT, we are launching a 7-day trading competition with a prize pool of 20,000 BUSD. Top 20 users with the highest trading volume from Mytheria’s Pandora NFT Package Event will share a 20,000 BUSD prize pool. Please follow us on our official channels or on binance link for more details.
This is also a good chance for people who did not get any Package during sale time. As we understand that some still wish to own them, not only because this is the HIGHEST chance of getting the super rare cards in game, but also a steal deal for early birds. All the cards minted in this event will give players a lot of chances to explore various gameplays and tactics.
B. Questions on Twitter
#1. My understanding is that the gods are the most important cards in the game and play a key role in the strategy of the entire Deck. But I wonder, are God cards decks that we must buy or that drop at very low probability percentages? Can they count as an extra mythical card?
Thanks for the question. God cards can be bought or dropped at various drop rates depends on the cards rarity. You don’t have to have God card to play but they are very powerful card and you may not want to miss such power on your game
#2. How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries/regions where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand about your project?
Yes, we are having around 20 local communities with different languages, speading from Telegram to Discord, please follow our officicial channels for more details, the CM will help guide you to local community
#3. Many Gamers in the Blockchain world today are just happy to play games & don’t know about what is the meaning of Games that utilize Blockchain technology, So How “MYTHERI MYRA’ can educate gamers about the main functions & uses of Blockchain technology?
Interesting question. Blockchain is the new technology and not everyone welcomes it. We do not plan to rush people in. That’s why we have Free — to — Play mode in Mytheria, where people can explore the game for free first and gradually get to know how blockchain can bring them benefit
#4. GODFORGE is a special Mytheria community where artists may openly display their work and even create their own characters. What measures must an artist take in order to post his work in GODFORGE? What are the rules to implement? IS there fee for display artworks?
No registration fees, and open to artists worldwide. In order to participate, please follow this link for detailed guidance:
#5. Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relationships?
Thanks for the question. Of course, this is very important. Kardia Ventures, Polkastarter,… are some of our partners. We have trusted backers in different aspects of the project such as: blockchain, gaming, to name a few:
Kardia Ventures
Everest Group
Morningstar Ventures
Spark Digital
Good Game Guild
C. Freeasking
1. Currently, I see there are a number of projects from Vietnam that are highly appreciated by the community while the games I see now mostly focus on short-term to push up the token price and release. How can users trust and feel secure when choosing to participate in Mytheria? How can the community contribute to enhancing the value of Mytheria?
Hello, thanks for the question
We focus on the player and the quality of the game. Players who love the game and stick with the game for any factor (gameplay, financial system, plot, graphics ..) are the objects they want to please. A good TCG game needs to ensure that the fighting strategy element is always balanced, the game world is fair and diverse. Only then will players have a high demand for collecting cards, from which the demand for buying and selling cards will develop. This is the win-win of both players participating for profit, and players participating because they want to satisfy their competitive desires.
2. Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something? can you share it with us?
Yea, please check out this tutorial and feel free to explore more on our Youtube channel, as more videos were uploaded. Please don’t forget to follow our official channels for more coming
3. Can you tell us about your team members? are they qualified and professional in their fields? what are the recruiting qualifications for team members for your extraordinary project?
The team behind Mytheria are experts such as Mr. Cuong Le — Founder of Mytheria, who has 10 years working as game artist for Valve (DotA 2), Hiker Game, etc. Or Mr. Truong Duc, our Art Director, has worked on huge projects such as Star Wars, Riots Games, Blizzard, Mat Biec (Dreamy Eyes), Mr. Ha Duong, our Game Director, who used to work for Lien Quan, Garena and last but not least CTO, Thien Nguyen, blockchain expert, from Kardiachain, Google.
4. What are your future project plans?and what is your current project achieving?
We just done IGO on Binance, with NFT event, which made us top 1 Sales in Binance chart. For the close future, as the Prophetess, I can spoil you that we currently short-listing candidate for a closed beta testing real soon, and after that will be more features in Q2 that we never announced before.
5. What is the most ambitious goal of your project? Could share with us any Upcoming Updates?
Our goal is to build a sustainable gaming system. Our most ambitious goal cannot be revealed yet ;)
For latest updates, We are having Gleam event that everyone can join, with super easy tasks such as like share on facebook, etc. and get the prize.
We are also running the Trading Competition on Binance with prizepool up to 20.000$, do not miss
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