Recap AMA Octaplex Network x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
16 min readNov 29, 2021


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 15 minutes left and the AMA event of OCTAPLEX NETWORK will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and OCTAPLEX NETWORK project’s representative is @Captain_Octaplex, @pinky_556.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Say hello of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session


Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

✔️ Part 1 — Welcome

✔️ Part 2 — Q&A

✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:

🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT

✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:

🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Captain_Octaplex, @pinky_556.

Mr Captain: Hello everyone, really glad to be here. Thanks for having us.

Mr xMalaya: Hello 👋

Glad to be here and to be greeted kindly by the Vietnamese Crypto enthusiasts:)

Mr Hubert: Welcome! It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Mr Captain: I’ll gladly do so :)

Mr xMalaya: I’ll let Captain introduce the project as he is the Captain for a reason!

But let me introduce myself in the meantime.

I am Malaya, the content writer in Octaplex project.

In our core team some of our roles are spread out further than having only one role.

With that said, I should mention that I am also included in other roles such as communicating the project updates to our community, and being invovled in the strategic planning and decision making process in the project.

Mr Captain: I’m Captain, CEO of Octaplex Network. I have a long history as an Investor in the Crypto space of more than 10 years. I’m specialized in data analysis and am utilizing my experience with the markets each and every day. In this space knowledge is key.

We at Octaplex are creating a safe network in a space full of malicious people. We counteract scammers by providing security tools to our partners aswell as investors. Our investors can be sure, that every partner within the Network is a legitimate project with real, honest people behind it and can feel safe while investing in those projects. Our partners get protected by the tools mentioned before and they gain the benefits of mutual growth, sharing knowledge, resources and more. While our investors get rewarded by holding PLX in a variety of vetted Tokens and Altcoins, which they can choose from freely at any ratio they want.

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study the OCTAPLEX NETWORK project.

Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the OCTAPLEX NETWORK project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Mr xMalaya: Octaplex Network was created with the aim to upgrade already existent concepts of DeFi, and to bring new ones to the market, making it a novelty from the start!

We could say there are several ways we stand out and bring something different to the Crypto space.

The first one is our aim to create a cooperative, instead of competitive space in DeFi. Our partnership network is only starting to reflect this and in the future our goal is to see a decentralised network giving its benefits to all honest users who wish to provide or receive something from it.

Another aspect that makes us stand out is our transparency towards the community.

We have all witnessed lots of different projects, especially in the Bsc space, being shady towards their communities, and we aimed to change that.

Along with transparency, security and safety are closely connected concepts that we, as investors in the crypto space, were hit by a lack of it.

Our contract mechanics are another element worth mentioning, that stands out from the rest of the market.

At the time of the birth of Octaplex, there was no project offering a multi-token rewards system, and we brought this idea to give flexibility, but also safety to our users, through the ecosystem.

There are numerous ways we aim to stand out and in this short AMA the mentioned ones should be sufficient, and the rest, interested people can always find out by talking to us in our group, or reading our publications.

Mr Captain: I also want to mention our vetting process of becoming a partner. We meet every potential partner face-to-face, do a lot of research before even meeting and spend a lot of resources in making sure everything is as clean as it gets.

We’re connecting our partners to cooperate, create new ideas and drive the whole space forward. And this is only possible if everyone is on the same boat.

Mr Hubert: Thank xMalaya and Captain, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

We will come to the next question:

Who are some business partners/clients for OCTAPLEX NETWORK?

Mr Captain: Our network currently consists of the following partners











Decentralized Community Investment Protocol

French Connection Finance



Aswell as brands, marketing agencies and content creators like Slance, Mazer Gaming or Coinpresso.

Our ecosystem is constantly expanding. As i mentioned we put big emphasis on vetting our partner projects or potential partners to keep the ecosystem clean and safe as any project joining is exposed to our partners and investors and we have to make sure they are eligable to join our safe space.

Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :))

Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:

What are the memorable milestones of OCTAPLEX NETWORK in the research and development process?

Mr xMalaya: We are certainly proud of our recent milestones, and are even more excited for the upcoming ones in our roadmap!

Let me mention some of the milestones we achieved up till now.

First, even our contract is a significant milestone for us — passing two full scale audits, and receiving an almost perfect score is an important thing for our community and investors to feel safe investing in our ecosystem.

Regarding development milestones, up to now — we have a fully active rewards ecsoystem, offering rewards to our users in all our partners’ tokens and in some of the major altcoins.

The rewards ecosystem is managed through our dApp As a part of the ecosystem being built, we also have our own swap — PlexSwap, intended to be a safe exchange for our ecosystem’s tokens, which ensures that users cannot buy any fraudulent contracts like in pcs as an example.

Each of our partnerships is a milestone as well for us, because our partnerships are made with strong and very ambitious teams/projects who can share the vision of a better and upgraded version of DeFi with us.

And finally, we recently got a new version of the website, and are very soon releasing a V2 of the Whitepaper, which will be a huge milestone for us as well.

Then we can move on to conquering our roadmap’s upcoming milestones and goals!

Mr Captain: Thats an amazing wrap up of what we achieved so far. We’re still in the early stages (3 months on the market) and are now driving forward the development process.

Mr Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.

We to the last question of the Q-A segment:

What does OCTAPLEX NETWORK plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Mr Captain: We are pushing marketing moves in waves a bit, depending on the market situation. We always focused on educational content rather than mindless shilling our project because we want to attract serious long term investors rather than the “moonboys”. So we’re tackling different markets specifically, then draw the numbers and go on with the data we got from it to evaluate our next steps. A lot of our exposure comes from partnerships aswell and we always welcome members of other communities with open arms.

Also we got a 6 month plan including deep SEO so we will be exposed to a wider audience if they just search for specific keywords on Google.

Also a big thing is the constant development of our products. We want people to use our tools and our products and advertise those properly once they are close to be released. And we have a lot coming up. Interconnectivity, safety tools, project consultancy, contract services and of course a big internal project to utilize the network in full — but the last one is something like our secret project :)

At the moment we want to put a special focus on the asian market, that’s one of the resons why we wanted to hold an AMA at this amazing community at VCM :) as the vietnamese community/market is VERY IMPORTANT to the crypto space!

Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊

The last question is already done. Thank you @Captain_Octaplex and @pinky_556 for bringing the above useful information.

We’ll move on to segment 3: Questions on Twitter.

#1 What kind of strategy Octaplex team will use to conquer Asian Market?

As I already mentioned, we’re focusing on educational content. Our project is pretty complex and not that easy to understand if not communicated properly, so we want potential investors to understand what they are buying. That’s why we will focus a lot on AMA sessions, probably YouTube content in the respective native languages and more. So we got a lot aligned to spread the word of Octaplex all around asia and we really want to build up a strong asian community backing us and growing together with us.

#2 Will you plan to raise the awareness of Octaplex Network in regions that English is not well-spoken? Any local communities to bring them better understanding of your ecosystem?

Mr xMalaya: Great question!

Yes, we plan to raise awareness of Octaplex in any region where cryptocurrency is a popular narrative, but in the less crypto-familiar regions as well.

The simplest of ways to do this is to attract a multicultural user base, even with methods such as this one — presenting our project in legitimate AMA groups for interested investors.

As our Network aims to implement the decentralised aspects in future, so can it be spread out to different corners of the globe. We do not intend to have a closed community or ecosystem, but instead wish to provide and opportunity for intersted investors, supporters or developers to work with us.

Once the Network and the ecosystem get bigger, we would be happy to provide opportunities for our supporters to introduce the Octaplex Network to their native regions and crypto enthusiasts.

We are open to people who can see our vision and bring something of their own into it, so anyone with an open mind, a good idea or just the wish to get more involved into the crypto space is welcome to talk with us and see what we can do!

Also, education being an important principle for our team and network, we might start doing region-specific online events offering crypto education content and programs to interested users.

As Captain already mentioned, Asia is a particularly interesting market with a significant uptrend in the overall interest for cryptocurrency, so expanding there is currently one of our goals.

Mr Captain: Also to mention: we always listen to communities needs. So if there is demand for a specific group in a native language we are creating this group and try to get community managers on board to help us build that community further.

#3 Can you explain more about the Octaplex Cryptocurrency Rewards Program? How does it work? What are the mechanics and structure of this reward program? What are the rewards will be given away with this said program in your platform?

Amazing question!

Our rewards system is based on trading volume. From every transaction made a portion is saved by the contract und accumulates over time for every holder specifically. A holder has to run through a whole calculation cycle before being able to claim their accumulated rewards. The contract stores BNB and on claim command it buys the chosen reward token (also good for the chart movement of the respective token, so if you’re a holder of that token this will impact it positively aswell). Holders can choose up to 6 different currencies as rewards in any ratio they want. So as an example: 20% BTC, 20% ETH, 10% BNB, 20% PLX, 10% MATIC, 20% ADA would be a setup of ratios. It’s of course possible to just split among two or just get a single project as reward.

We also got our Token of the Week feature, which grants our holders 5% on top of their claims in a partner project that’s currently filling this slot. This also helps you diversify your portfolio with great projects.

The full list of claimable tokens/altcoins can be found on

We also put the Top 30 cryptocurrencies up for votes to be included in the rewardssystem. So our community decides which of the top players will be added to the rewards system, so they can choose their favorite altcoin.

Also there’s our lottery function, which as a 5% chance of any buy to trigger it and get double the amount bought.

Another cool thing is the random airdrop function which spreads some PLX randomly amongst our holders.

And of course there is our Buyback & Burn function called “The Hydra”. Once a specific amount of holders is reached 40% of the current buyback pot will be bought back in PLX and burned forever. This keeps the price more stable and supports bullish runs to become even more bullish while making sure the pot never gets empty but returns even stronger every time the Hydra strikes.

Our contract is unique in this space as it was written completely from scratch. To ensure everything works properly and is safe and secure for our holders and users we are audited twice. Our first Audit was done by BrewLabs, including a complete in-depth project analysis and risk assessment, later we got another audit by StaySAFU. Both audits had a very high score and the auditors always mentioned, that they actually could learn a lot from auditing our contract — as it was never seen before.

#4 For your roadmap I would like to ask What are your targets in 2021 and 2022 that you are focusing on? Will enter the NFT industry in the future? Do you think of adding NFT to your next portfolio?

Mr xMalaya: First, let me say that we have successfully managed to achieve almost all of our 2021 roadmap goals!

Remaining are the Whitepaper and the start of our Blog, so you could expect that very soon 👌

The next year, 2022, is where the real excitement starts. As you can see on our roadmap, it is going to be a year filled with milestones such as new developments, new partnerships, team expansion and more!

Some of the most significant milestones of 2022 in our pipeline are the product developments.

PlexGate, PlexNet, multichain bridges are only some of the developments scheduled for next year.

Our ecosystem will be growing with each epoch in 2022 and we can’t wait to see more of our products active.

Besides development, we will be focusing on strong blockchain partnerships, new blockchain expansion, grant programs and more!

Let me touch on the NFT part of the question as well.

In our roadmap, there is a slightly secretive note that we will be conducting an NFT drop. More info on that one soon.

On the other hand, the Octaplex ecosystem is intended to be a decentralised hub for crypto projects, teams, supporters, investors and anyone interested, and as such it will be a widespread network meaning that NFTs, being so important in the current crypto space, will have some space in our network as well.

We currently cannot speak on the exact use of NFTs in our ecosystem, but I can say that we are already planning this internally and cooperating with certain teams to jump more into the NFT game once our platform is ready!

Mr Caption: A little leak from my side on NFTs…it will pay off to be a holder ;)

#5 Almost 3/4 of investors are focused purely on the price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value and health of the project. Could you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Mr Caption: Unfortunately this is very true. First off we want our investors to understand and get familiar with the project. As it is very complex this takes a lot of effort and explanation. But once one realized what we are all about they usually stay with us and become supporters. We have a very strong base of holders and believers and for that we are very thankful. A big reason to hold and stack up a bag is the rewards system of course. So people will be able to get a passive income, depending on their holdings. Another thing is, that we always deliver what we promised and do not make promises we cannot keep.

That’s why we managed to fulfill our part of the Q3 roadmap weeks ahead of the schedule. We focus on developments and to be honest we do not watch the chart all too close. Success comes hand in hand with progress and that’s what we’re pushing forward on.

We rather develop actual products instead of promising a product while never delivering it and our community knows that by experience already.

Mr xMalaya: And with all that Captain said, I would add up that our holder base is pretty strong as we always transparently communicate with our supporters.

Due to everything mentioned in today’s AMA, I believe our community members realizes the early stage of our project and that holding onto the token could indeed be a ticket that takes as far into the crypto space.

Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @Captain_Octaplex, @pinky_556 for bringing the above useful information.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The OCTAPLEX NETWORK project will then choose 5 questions to answer.




Let’s go!



Let’s give some mins for @Captain_Octaplex, @pinky_556 to choose 5 questions to answer.

@Captain_Octaplex, @pinky_556, you may proceed now.

Question 1. Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something? can you share it with us? have a YouTube channel or something? can you share it with us?

Yes we have a Youtube channel being build up at the moment. We already have some content uo there that explains the rewards system and how to buy PLX. We’ll expand the channel soon with more content to make it easier to understand our project right after Whitepaper V2 is released.

Question 2. Do you have AUDIT certificate or are you working to AUDIT your project, so that the security of the project becomes more secure and reliable?

Yes! Our contract has passed two full scale audits.

One was done by Brewlabs and the other one by StaySAFU.

Both audits were passed with a great overall score and they can be checked in the following links:

We do believe that audits are important for such a complex contract so we have already had two!

Question 3. Most investors only focus on the price of short term instead of the real value of the project. Can you tell me the benefits for long-term for project investors?

We are all about long term!

Our project is steadily but safely building the foundation for its future. We do not aim to create a short passing hype through marketing but want to create a lasting trust by utilising long term marketing methods, such as the before mentioned SEO.

We aim to give our holders a great benefit by including our native token into each of the future ecosystem products which will increase the price level.

Besides that, each of our holders already receive benefits by receiving rewards for holding the token.

Question 4. Each project has interesting stories before it is created. So can you tell people about the story that gave you the motivation to build and develop a great project like yours?

All of our team members have been investors at first. In principle we were sick of all the rugpulls and malicious people who are scamming investors and even projects. So we wanted to counteract that and were looking for possibilities to make it attractive to investors. Thats why we built a novel contract with new functions that have never been seen before rather than forking an existing contract to attract holders, and some functions also benefit outr partners (as the TOTW). So this is to attract more partners to join our ecosystem and accompany us on the road to a better DeFi space. DeFi 2.0 if you wish to call it so.

We just want your money, our money and everyone’s money to be safe and in good hands and protect everyone from people who want to steal it. Security and trust is key.

Question 5. How to stay cool in the current situation on the cryptocurrency market?

Interesting question!

Staying cool is psychology that we all learn everyday by just being involved in the cryptocurrency markets.

My advice for staying cool would be to simply avoid short term, shady and overly hyped projects.

Instead, what I would do, is focus on solid projects, focused on development, their relations to the community, being transparent and constantly keeping their delivery regardless of the short term market movements or hype.

Steady is always safer than something which is short term or rushed, so keeping invested in steady projects and quality teams should be a good foundation to survire the crypto volatility in the markets.

Mr Hubert: Thank you @Captain_Octaplex and @pinky_556 for replying to the community.

So the AMA OCTAPLEX NETWORK at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the OCTAPLEX NETWORK project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the OCTAPLEX NETWORK.

Thanks @Captain_Octaplex, @pinky_556 for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join the OCTAPLEX NETWORK community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.


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VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

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