Recap AMA Rapids x VCM Community
1 — Say hello, introduce the project
2 — AMA moderator asks the project 5 questions that will be selected first.
3 — Ask the community (unmute the channel and let the community ask questions freely on telegram. Then the guests will choose about 10 good questions to answer)
4 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer
Segment 1. Q&A
Mr. Hubert: Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?
Mr Matt Cimelli: I’m Matt and I part of the very active community 🙌
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: Well I’m the GFX guy. Mostly all the official images you guys see come from me. 💪
Mr Matt Cimelli: and that they are awesome..
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: We must not forget our community members. They make some really awesome ones to.
So… About our project…
We’re Rapids! Blockchain At Your FingerTips!
Rapids Network (RPD) describes itself as a community-oriented and decentralized blockchain that is focused on integrating widgets into mainstream social media platforms to facilitate the sending and receiving of payments amongst friends, family, colleagues, B2C, B2B and B2B E-Commerce.
Mr Matt Cimelli: Our goal is to be able to combine new technologies and comfort of life with the respect for nature and the planet.
Find out more during the AMA
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: Beat me to it. 😂
Mr Matt Cimelli: Corey sends his apologies he’s in the middle of releasing our new core wallets and announcing.
Mr Hubert: Everything was wonderful
Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Mr Matt Cimelli: For a little insight you can open whilst we are here and can ask questions please see below..
Mr Huber: Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
What makes the Rapids project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Mr Matt Cimelli: We have a very active team and are constantly expanding the network. Long-term visions always change due to tech but one thing we will always strive for is the ease of use case for mass adoption. Crypto and blockchain doesn’t need to be difficult; which is why we’ve put time and energy into social media platforms. They already exist and we can inject RPD into their established communities.
Mass Adoption — Rapids itself is a huge community project that has hundreds of Ambassadors, and other community members, volunteering their time and energy to translate text to native language, including help with development. Lots of members have integrated RPD into their own personal projects which has helped give amazing exposure.
Mr Hubert: Thanks for this impressive information. We go to the second question:
Who are some business partner/clients for Rapids?
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: Burnley Football team, Mazer.GG, advanced.GG….. are just a few on top of my head
Mr Matt Cimelli: You can find a full list of our partners here.
We work with everyone of them to expand the network as it should be. Whether it’s tech or promotion.
These partners bring a lot of Value to the Rapids Network whether it be promotion, helping with tech or even accepting RPD as payment they all play a roll in the growth or Rapids
Bit about Burnley FC
Rapids Network is a proud member of the Burnley FC’s BOA program — by Official Appointment
Football players will promote Rapids in photos, we will be in their game programs and broadcasted live on their 60 meter / 196ft ad screen during live games for 21k seated fans and the 1.2billion people who watch the English Premier League!!!
⬇️Find Out More⬇️
We have a very exciting partnership about to blossom with a new exchange called Barter Exchange. More news to come in coming months.
Mr Stuart Lloyd: Our parnters provide mutiple benifits to us as we do for them, from accepting RPD as payment to helping us with our technology
Mr Hubert: This is awesome 😍
Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.
Mr Stuart Lloyd: of course
Mr Hubert: We will go over the next question.
What are the memorable milestones of Rapids in the research and development process?
Mr Stuart Lloyd: The last week we have had big milestones for the Network, The release of our mobile wallet on Android and apple devices and as we speak we are rolling our our latest version of our Core Wallet that has some great features including Cold Staking.
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: Let’s not forget the consensus upgrade and higher staking and Masternode rewards.
Mr Stuart Lloyd: ANDROID
please download them and see what you think
we have a great feature on the wallets called LinkShare where you can send RPD to and URL
That means we can now send crypto to non crypto users on any platform……it will direct them to the wallet where they can download and start their crypto journey
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: Also our and
Staking your coins on Host is actually really easy with no need for a running Desktop PC.
Mr Stuard Lloyd: Our hosting Platform Rapids.Host was aquired last quarter and we have since reached the 400 milestone of RPD masternodes.
along with a multitude of our coins you can stake in pools of host you masternodes
This is the link for our hosting platform
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: With our Social platform Our community can earn more RPD by sharing their love and devotion to RAPIDS.
Mr Stuart Lloyd: We currently run Rapids Academy which is avaliable to watch on youtube…….it teaches users on how to fully navigate and use our network
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: We must not forget about our TeamRPD. Organizing games to play for our community
Mr Hubert: It was wonderful, sir. I have just downloaded the app and given it 5 *.
Thank you 🤣. The last question:
What does Rapids plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Mr Stuart Lloyd: The app is our 1st version and will evolve to suit the needs of our users
Mr Hubert: In the near future it will be the most preferred application. I think so.
Mr Stuart Lloyd: we have a mass marketing campaign that will include spending funds on social media adverts, a mobile applications advert, Television adverts as well as the use of some Premier leauge football players to help promote our products
its also great doing these AMAs so we can reach people on the otherside of the planet who are likeminded crypto users
Video 1:
Video 2:
Having nice video presentations like these help get the word out too and show people what we are about
We are trying hard to build up our social media presence on a number of platforms so we can get the ball rolling for mass adoption
Mr Dejan Suhadolc: Yes we are currently located on these Social media platforms:
• Facebook
(• GitHub
(• Instagram
(• Medium
(• Reddit
(• Twitch
(• Twitter
(• Uptrennd
(• YouTube (
Segment 2: Free-asking
Segment 3: Quiz
💥 Question 1.. 💥
We recently launched Rapids Host and which other platform?
💥 Question 2 💥
What is the Rapids Network Esports and gaming group called?!
💥 Question 3 💥
How many RPD is Required for a Masternode and what % block reward do they receive??
10 million and 65%
💥 Question 4 💥
What special feature can you send Crypto with to anywhere in the world on our mobile wallet??
Correct and fastest on my screen
💥 Question 5 💥
What multiple platform hub backed Bot are we currently developing?? Lol
💥 Special Round 💥
Where can you join Rapids Vietnam Community?
💥 Special 💥
What day of the week do we run?
A, Trivia
B, Mini Games
Sunday Monday
Again, don’t forget to join the Rapids community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.
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