Recap AMA Safeswap x Vietnam Coin Market Community
Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,
Only 15 minutes left and the AMA event of SafeSwap will be started
The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and SafeSwap project’s representative is @Jaimydevries.
Translator: @nguyetvcm
Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.
After Segment 3 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.
How’s everything going?
Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session
Today’s AMA session is composed of 5 parts:
✔️ Part 1 — Welcome
✔️ Part 2 — Q&A
✔️ Part 3 — Questions on Twitter — Guest will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
✔️ Part 4 — Free — asking: the guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer:
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
✔️ Part 5 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer.
🏆 Total Prize: $50 USDT
Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.
Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Jaimydevries.
Mr Jaimy de Vries: Hi everyone!
Mr Hubert: Hello sir :))
It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.
Mrs Nguyet: Hey Sir, Welcome to VCM Community ❤️
Mr Hubert: Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?
Mr Jaimy de Vries: Certainly,
My name is Jaimy de Vries I am a Dutch man, 29 years old and full time active in the crypto and blockchain industry for the past 5 years, I have a strong history in the development industry as well as international business management, coordinating with different team members all over the world.
One of the problems that we came across when entering the DeFi industry is that many of the current DeFi platforms do not appeal to traditional investors who fear financial trading platforms that are filled up with cartoons, animations and food or animal based project names.
We decided to found a platform like SafeSwap that is a easy to use / and accessible DeFi platform that provides traditional investors with the standards they expect from modern trading platforms.
Mr Hubert: Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
What makes the SafeSwap project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Mr Jaimy de Vries: With SafeSwap we aim to provide users with a platform that adapt to their needs and expectations. Beside the fact that our platform is easier to use and understand then those of most of our competitors and the personal support either by chat, community groups or phone calls that we provide are unseen by our competitors. We are easily approachable for individuals and provide the same standards for support for both big and small investors.
One of the innovative features that has not been seen much in DeFi is the possibility to also purchase and sell crypto with FIAT (everywhere around the world).
SafeSwap is currently finalizing an onboarding process / KYB (Know Your Business procedure) with one of the larger Fiat Ramp Providers in the crypto industry (Banxa).
Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.
Mr Jaimy de Vries: Certainly! I have all the time of the world and will make time to answer any question that the audience will have lateron.
Mr Hubert: We will come to the next question:
Who are some business partners/clients for SafeSwap?
Mr Jaimy de Vries: SafeSwap is a product from our company MUXE BV ( Over the past 5 years we have acquired many partnerships of which some have been maintained until this date.
Some of the projects that we are happy to announce that we have some sort of collaboration or partnership with are the following, but not limited to:
Medabots ( Owned by the official Trade Mark (IP) owner of the brand Medabots (which many may remember from the 90s).
Another project that we often exchange knowledge and tech resources with is the project A project that has their own blockchain, bridges available on multiple blockchains, a huge community and proper resources to grow as a blockchain based privacy asset.
Dynamic Crypto Trading Group is another team of experts, business owners and networkers that we are frequently working with to exchange ideas, knowledge or connections that may be useful from either side to share. is another project that we have recently came in touch with its owned by one of the shareholders from Medabots and we believe is playing an important role in the future of luxury holidays in exchange for cryptocurrency.
Beside that we have several niche products such as, and an upcoming blockchain based gaming platform that though are either founded or partially owned by MUXE BV ( are considered solid partners of SafeSwap as well.
We have a lot of great partners, I only mentioned a few but we appreciate and value all our partners (whether they are big or small projects)
BSC.NEWS, BTCA, DISCOVERY CRYPTO CLUB, BELIFEX, Internet Extra, AQUAQUICK 2000, Fishing Adventure, Sandman Finance and many other great partners make it possible for us to proceed what we are doing and the way our business has been growing within a few months of time.
Mr Hubert: Thanks for your sharing. We continue to spend some time with VCM audiences and Mrs Nguyet again. :))
There is quite a bit of information that VCM audiences need access to.
Can’t wait any longer. I think the audience is wanting to learn more about the project:
What are the memorable milestones of SafeSwap in the research and development process?
Mr Jaimy de Vries: Some of the milestones that I personally believe we have realised within 4 months after launching SafeSwap is the trust that we have been able to obtained by many of the community members that either have been following our project since the beginning or those that we came across through out the communities from our partners.
We have an outstanding team when it comes to taking care of the people that speak out their questions or concerns, we are always around and answer every question equally detailed and absolutely hate it to leave anyone behind in doubt.
Our best milestone to date is that when we come across either Human mistakes or technical / IT incapability’s is that we are very resourceful and precise when it comes to the support level that we provide to every individual (Either large wallet holders or those that barely hold a single token).
Were some of the DeFi platforms may fail to treat every individual equally we strive to perform at the highest level at all times (You can read that this answer about milestones is mostly on how we guide our users toward our platform as I believe that is were we have made most improvements and future preparations since we launched).
Mr Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.
We to the last question of the Q-A segment:
What does SafeSwap plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Mr Jaimy de Vries: We believe that the strongest direction that we can take this project to next level is by proceeding with the focus on the community members from our partners that are utilizing the SafeSwap Platform for trading or staking mechanism.
By proving ourselves worthy to them we foresee a future with a solid followers base that we have obtained throughout multiple networks and crypto involvement. We see a potential friendship / network expansion in every single individual that decides to stick around with us.
Eventually those that truly know us (The people behind SafeSwap ( and MUXE BV ( will be the best way to attract their friends, family or any relatives that they will tell about SafeSwap and our goals & milestones.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊
The last question is already done. Thank you @Jaimydevries for bringing the above useful information.
We’ll move on to segment 3: Questions on Twitter.
Please choose the 5 best questions on Twitter (Here: And reply to them directly on this Telegram group.
Yes we have multiple side projects going on that are aiming to focus on NFT’s from different perspectives. I like to point out that we have always had great ideas about the potential usecases of NFT’s in the future both in virtual and real life adoption scenarios.
For SafeSwap we are going to introduce a global nft marketplace in the future.
We are also looking into the possibility of NFT staking, whether you are able to stake an NFT to obtain an NFT or to stake an NFT and earn a random crypto token reward will be announced in the near future.
Beside that MUXE BV has multiple team segments and staff involved in two different gaming projects.
One will be a multi blockchain accessible social gaming environment like Decentraland (starting with BSC support) allowing anyone to purchase or sell virtual land, NFT’s that serve a purpose in our gaming environment and allow players to unlock unique wearables, unseen landscape / VIP areas or other advantages / display showcases for artist and NFT Shop owners.
We agree that many projects are often exiting the crypto market whether due to the lack of knowledge on how to shape and maintain a cryptocurrency project or due to bad intentions from the start. In both cases investors are often left clueless on what has happened.
Thats why I like to address that SafeSwap is founded by a company that has been public ally registered for almost 5 years now. We are doing everything within our power to make sure that we will remain available on the market for many years as well as making sure that we have a sustainable business model and the support and trust of our loyal followers.
Beside that we have recently invested to register the SafeSwap Trademark for the next 10 years on the name of our company to ensure that we are the only one that can use our brand and name in combination as well as ensure our followers base that we take our brand awareness and expansion very seriously.
Most important as the founder of MUXE BV (Jaimy de Vries) I have a very transparent mindset
and often are described as an open book by the investors that have sticked around for 3 to 5 years now. We do not claim that we are the best solution in the market, nor that we are worth the investment or that we will become a valuable token but we do promise and guarantee that our project values are filled with Passion, Joy, Dedication and Honesty.
Knowing that as a company we have many upcoming components and features that we value as top priority if I would have to select 3 then I would believe the following ones are among the highest priority:
Ensuring that we can provide our customers / platform users with a secured platform that is easy to understand and use to exchange, swap or incentive their cryptocurrencies is at all times our most prioritized value.
A wide integration for NFT’s on both SafeSwap as well as other platforms of MUXE BV and to provide both NFT owners as NFT collectors with an interesting bridge between supply and demand as well as unique utilities that are attached to the nft’s is among our top priority.
Our third top priority for 2021 is to improve our company structure and organise every division appropriately as well as ensuring that the relevance and access between these products collide together in an unseen, yet very convenient way for end users.
We often come across people or projects that ask us what problems we like to address or which solution we aim to provide that has not been seen in the market. However, we aren’t aiming to provide the market with an unique solution aimed on an problem that is currently known in the market.
We believe that there are frontrunner projects in the market that have the role of inventing new solutions. Our focus is to contribute to the crypto market by introducing a niche of products that are derived on existing technology, yet combining certain advantages by for example providing staking rewards for gamers that obtain certain nft’s in one of our upcoming gaming environments.
We focus on small businesses as well as individuals in the crypto sphere and strive to provide a good solution to everyone when they ask us for it.
We cant predict the future and therefor do not know which problems may occur in the future. But we have a very innovative mindset and often know a good solution to problems that those that we
engage with run into or ask us to guide them in case we believe we can support them. We then share our mind, time and resources to see if we can work on a good solution and believe that projects that aim to focus on smaller problems and requests are playing a very important role in the roll-out of mainstream Blockchain and Fintech adoption.
For SafeSwap we have chosen for an organic launch of our token. The token was introduced to the market in June and has been released with a small percentage of the 1.000.000 tokens that are available,
As the project is growing and as we are realising more of our goals we are releasing a small amount of tokens from our storage wallets into the liquidity pool. This way we have ensured a healthy chart from the start of our pool with few volatile moments in the chart but overall improve the stability of the token.
We decided to renounce the smart contract as we were ensured of the smart contract of our token and are therefor able to ensure investors of the SWAP token ( that the total supply will never increase. 20% of total supply has been temporarily locked and 20% of the supply has been divided over Staking pools of 3 to 10 years on ( Our Longterm Passive Income Program).
There are also several staking pools funded by our partners who buy an X amount of SWAP to allocate as a reward for the
stakers from their cryptocurrency. We believe that due to the reason that our project has yet to be discovered by most people who are active in crypto that there is a strong potential for the SWAP token to remain as stable as possible as we continue to realise new goals and milestones.
Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @Jaimydevries for bringing the above useful information.
Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 120s to ask. The SafeSwap project will then choose 5 questions to answer.
Let’s go!
Let’s give some mins for @Jaimydevries to choose 5 questions to answer.
@Jaimydevries., you may proceed now.
Question 1. Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here?
We are strong believers of the importance of the South East Market and aim to ensure that SafeSwap will be a well known brand in South Asia in the near future.
Question 2. Do you have AUDIT certificate or are you working to AUDIT your project, so that the security of the project becomes more secure and reliable?
SafeSwap has obtained 3 Audits by now,
One was executed by TechRate, one was Executed by our own BSCN Basic Audit Service and the third one was executed by AUDIT.SC which is also a brand that we are 50% shareholder of and were our certified solidity experts have rated the SafeSwap platform (the third one will soon be released).
You can find our audits below:
SafeSwap Audit by BSCN:
SafeSwap Audit by TechRate:
Question 3. How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates?
SafeSwap Finance | SafeSwap Online
The next generation DeFi and Fiat Oriented Crypto Platform
SafeSwap Online™ is a decentralized trading protocol that allows different types of cryptocurrencies to be swapped. The SafeSwap protocol is a secured and Smart Contract based application that interacts directly with metamask, etc. In the near future we are able to provide people within 136 countries with the option of purchasing cryptocurrency with Fiat for local payment options.
The team behind SafeSwap has been doxed for 5 years as well as a registered company that is fully focused on blockchain innovation.
Company Website:
SafeSwap Info Web: https:/
Start trading on SafeSwap:
Start your passive income farm
Tokenomics 💰
1.000.000 SWAP tokens (BEP20)
15%: is locked in 10 years staking vault
20% is locked via DeepLock service
50% is being released in the liquidity pool over time (ongoing)
5% is reserved for promotion, events, compensations, rewards.
10% are tokens in reserve for future purposes.
Bogged Info Chart:
Pancakeswap info chart:
Poocoin info charts:
Question 4. Do Token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?
We are frequently releasing polls were we measure the direction that our follower base prefers us to go. We keep their interest in consideration at all times, though eventually the final decision will also be evaluated on other aspects such as longterm sustainability, security or legal reasons.
Question 5. Hackers are very active in the market and almost every day we hear about another hack attack. Can you please provide some information about the security arrangements for your project? How safe is investor funding? Do you already have an audit?
We have audited our smart contracts and are constantly looking for ways to improve the security of our platform, code, server environment and other IT measurements.
Question 6. Kindly tell me what is your contract address to buy and what is the slipperage rate for it?
The SWAP Token can be purchased easily via our trading protocol:
We currently have two different server locations:
Smart contract address
You can purchase SWAP without any slippage adjustment, though the demand of the SWAP token at certain times increased slippage may give users the advantage to frontrun an order.
Mr Hubert: Thank you @Jaimydevries for replying to the community.
We will go to Segment 5, the SafeSwap project will ask the question.
Each person can only answer 1 time / 1 question
Reward: $10 / 1 Quiz.
You can start asking the community with Quizzes sir. We have 5 Quizzes.
Please post each sentence.
Quiz 1. Name 5 partners who are considered among the strongest partners of SafeSwap / MUXE BV combined in one message.
Quiz 2. What are the core attributes of the SafeSwap project?
Swap, earn, and build on the fastest growing decentralized BSC
Quiz 3. The Safeswap project token and its total supply are:
A. Safeswap and 10,000,000
B. SW and 1,000,000
C. SWAP and 10,000,000
D. SP and 1,000,000
E. SWAP and 1,000,000
Quiz 4. Up to now, SafeSwap has received 3 Tests (audits) which are
A. 1st AuditK, 2nd SC Audit, 3rd TechRate.
B. 1st AuditK, 2nd TechRate, 3rd BSCN.
C. 1st TechRate, 2nd BSCN, 3rd Audit SC.
D. 1st BSCN, 2nd AuditK, 3rd TechRat
Quiz 5. The main company of the Safeswap project is named:
A. MU.
B. MI.
C. Aduik.
Mr Hubert: So the AMA SafeSwap at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of the SafeSwap project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to the SafeSwap.
Thanks @Jaimydevries. for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.
Again, don’t forget to join the SafeSwap community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.
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