Recap AMA Smalldogecoin x Vietnam Coin Market Community
Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,
Only 10 minutes left and the AMA event of Smalldogecoin will be started
The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and Smalldogecoin project’s representative is @Smalldoge.
Translator: @nguyetvcm
Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.
After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.
How’s everything going?
Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session
Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:
1 — Say hello, introduce the project
2 — AMA moderator asks the project 5 questions that will be selected first.
3 — Questions on Twitter — The Guests will choose the 5 best questions from this Tweet:
4 — Free — asking: The Guests will choose about 5 good questions to answer.
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You can submit a pre-question to the project by submitting it to this Tweet:
Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.
Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @Smalldoge.
Mr Doge Small: Hi all!
Mr Hubert: Hello sir.
It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.
Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?
Mr Doge Small: Smalldogecoin(SDOG) was founded by KenLon Musk Project team. In order to become the cornerstone of value circulation in the current new order of the crypto market and practice decentralization, most SDOG’s tokens are produced via decentralised model, except tribute airdrops to Vitalik Buterin, Elon Musk, NASAand Spacex. The distribution ratio is: 5% initial liquidity, 5% airdrop toVitalik, 5% airdrop to Elon, 35% airdrop ratio , 50% mining.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. The VCM audience is also eager to study the Smalldogecoin project.
Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.
Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.
Could you please explain to us the intention of the Puppy community to do decentralization?
Mr Doge Small: The purpose of this is to allow more people to involve and have SDOG, participate in the SDOG Community and witness the future of decentralization.
SDOG Community believes that the lower the threshold for obtaining SDOG, the more the community can be involved, and the community influence will also be enlarged. It will be because SDOG’s promising future of decentralisation, subsequent projects will more or less enlarge the share of decentralization, which is bound to rewrite the current pattern of the crypto world.
Therefore, our experiment will generate more decentralised samples. What would a project driven entirely by the community look like? Will it be embraced or rejected by the market? These need to be verified by time.
Mr Hubert: Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.
We will come to the next question: You mentioned in the last question that there is a 35% airdrop ratio. How should users get this part of the airdrop?
Mr Doge Small: We will airdrop the 35% of SDOG to DOGE holders in centralized exchanges that have applied for whitelisting. You can check the relevant information on SDOG official website ( Exchanges that have been added to the whitelist provide DOGE addresses snapshot. SDOG will take snapshots every day and airdrop the corresponding SDOG (1 DOGE = 1000 SDOG) to the exchange according to the number of DOGE in the exchange snapshot address. The distribution quantity is 1/1000, and the airdrop will be completed within 1000 days.
At the moment, COINW, Hoo and ZB have completed white-label application.
To put it simply, holding Dogecoin on the whitelisted exchange can continue to get SDOG airdrops. This means that the sooner the exchange applies to the whitelist, the sooner its users can get SDOG airdrops.
Mr Hubert: I think this section is going to be quite interesting. Let’s take a moment for the VCM audience to read it.
Ready to come to the next question?
Mr Doge Small: Yes please
Mr Hubert: Can you briefly share the development steps of Puppy Coin with everyone?
Mr Doge Small: The development steps of SDOG are fundamentally different from traditional projects. We divide it into three stages of “Earth, Mars, and space.”
Earth phase
Since the birth of SDOG, the community has often been thinking about how to become a carrier of value circulation. Predecessors’ experience tells us that no matter whether the money supplier is a competitive private or a monopolistic sovereign state, the currency may be fragile. Although Bitcoin seemed the strongest, but unfortunately, the first entrants grab a lot of profits and hold a bargaining chip. The high price of Bitcoin has really discouraged many people. The pricing power of the price has gradually been confined by capital. In terms of the definition of encrypted assets, it is an act of betrayal. In the fluctuation of prices, everyone has forgotten the original intention of decentralization of encrypted assets. If the innovation of this world is going to deteriorate, I hope that I can continue to uphold my ideals and create a completely decentralized currency. The utopia of transformation.
Therefore, in order to become the cornerstone of value circulation in the new order of the crypto market, all token output, except for airdrops to Dogecoin holders, Vitalik Buterin, Elon Musk, NASA and SpaceX, are distributed to the community in a decentralized manner, so that more people can hold SDOG and witness the vitality of decentralization. .
Mars phase
On April 23, SpaceX has successfully sent 4 astronauts into the space station. A small step into space has already been taken. When will it go to Mars? I believe it is not far away
If Dogecoin can be taken to Mars by Elon Musk. I think that SDOG is possible as well. After landing on Mars, the more nodes distributed will provide a safer and quicker ecology of SDOG. To ensure the transparency of information, in addition to the nodes built by the SDOG community, we also welcome everyone to join and build nodes and form a complete decentralized network, where data will not be lost, and the network is absolutely safe. Trusted nodes can also get incentives for nodes running the network.
Space phase
Mars will not be the end of the earth’s technological development. Human civilization will eventually use Mars as a frontline to explore the universe and develop into an interstellar civilization.
Regarding the future development of Mars after colonization, and how to define its value, it is too early to talk about it. The SDOG community only wants to build the foundation of SDOG on the earth in order to better appreciate the demeanor of the Martian society.
As for the more distant future, the way the interstellar civilization is displayed, SDOG community also wants to run through the development of civilization. At that time, I also hope that everyone can redefine the development route of SDOG, contribute to the development of star civilization, and better meet everyone’s expectations for interstellar currency circulation!
Mr Hubert: Feeling quite excited about this project, sir. I think everyone will love it and support it as well.
Regarding your description of the consensus of the community, “revolution”, does the success of SDOG depend on the consensus of the revolution?
Mr Doge Smal: As Elon Musk asked on April 24, what kind of tokens are worth holding in the future?
The high Bitcoin price shuts out most people, but the more eye-catching asset in this round of market quotation is Dogecoin: from the original absurd memecoin to a widely traded asset today, Dogecoin The market value has rushed to around US$50 billion, even surpassing Marriott International Inc. (MAR) or Ford Motor Co. (F). The popularity of Dogecoin is another wealth-making action launched by individual investors. The skyrocketing currency value pushed up the return rate during the year to more than 8,100%, which is equivalent to more than twice the return rate of the S&P 500 index since 1988, including dividends.
Investors moved quickly. In the past year, they used their access to zero-commission trading platforms and large-scale government stimulus cash to influence the market.
This is one of the successful cases of individual behavior. Hence we have seen a peculiar scene at the beginning of the year:
There are about a thousand versions of the story about the legendary meaning of the Game Stop, some say that this is the true belief in the GameStop, some say that this is a meticulous plan for squeeze, and some say it is the populist’s boring, isolation, and greed on Wall Street, The angry expression of hedge funds, as long as you want to have a corresponding article. I guess almost everyone is right, just like the story of “The Blind Men and the Elephant”.
But from this process, we have seen the power of the community and individual investors. From the establishment of expectations to the realization of expectations, the community is driven by consensus and finally grabs victory.
Even though encrypted assets have gradually been accepted by the majority, the current market has clearly distinguished between those who are willing to contact encrypted assets and those who believe that encrypted assets are scams. The aversion to risk and the unclear definition of asset concepts have become this part of “thinking that encrypted assets are scams.” “The main reason for people who refuse to be associated with encrypted assets, then, the Dogcoin, which is cheap enough and has a large value-added space, will become the best medium for these people to try to access encrypted assets.
Mr Hubert: Lots of information. Thank you for sharing.
We to the last question of the Q-A segment:
Why do you think there is a lot of room for the value of Dogcoin? Can you briefly tell us about your logic?
Mr Doge Small: We can all see how popular Dogecoin is. Recently, various dynamic pictures of Dogecoin have been flying randomly in WeChat groups. It has obviously become a myth for the benefit of the currency circle in 2021, creating 10000% wealth growth by Dogecoin in 100 days. Now Dogecoin’s status is the same as Bitcoin. Now everyone in crypto will recommend you to buy Dogecoin just as they did 5 years ago with Bitcoin.
Under the leadership of Dogecoin, SHIB also came out a while ago, and its popularity is no less than Dogecoin, and its price went up tens of times in a week.
According to the official introduction, SHIB is a decentralized and spontaneous community building experiment, and the SHIB token is nicknamed Dogecoin Killer.
Why is this SHIB that turned out to be so popular within 2 days of going online? This is due to the concept created by SHIB. At present, the founding teams of many tokens retain more than 90% of the tokens in their hands, which is seriously controlled. But SHIB is different, 50% of the total supply of SHIB is locked in Uniswap, and the remaining 50% is destroyed to the Vitalik address. The project is completely decentralized, and the official does not keep a token. Even if they are, they still need to spend real money on the market to buy SHIB. I think that YFI, the leading currency in the DeFi field, was just because the team did not have pre-mining, so everyone rushed to buy it. In the end, YFI rose nearly 10,000 times!
DeFi was hot back then, and we missed the 1000000% return currency YFI; Elon Musk shouted for Dogecoin successively , but we did not catch up to 10000% return Dogecoin, so I think everyone can start the layout when the SDOG is still low in price. Of course, It is also good to hold Dogecoin on the whitelisted exchange and wait for the airdrop of SDOG.
Mr Hubert: How wonderful, sir. VCM will make a small contribution to the project support. Nice to do this. 😊
The last question is already done. Thank you @Smalldoge for bringing the above useful information.
We’ll move on to segment 3. Those are the questions at Twitter.
@Smalldoge You can choose the 5 best questions to answer it right on this Telegram.
People can still ask questions on Twitter or prepare questions for the next Free-asking session.
Mr Doge Small: Allow me a few minutes to go thru the questions.
Mr Hubert: Ok sir.
Question 1. Adoption is a challenge for any blockchain project, especially in this sensitive period of the entire market when many blockchain projects die because only a few are using their platform. What is your team’s strategy and vision on this issue?
Question 2. Without an working products any idea has zero value. We see many projects are on paper only and no product. So, kindly ensure us that your project is just not an idea and it’s already has an working products or practical usecases?
The value of SDOG lays in our work in the future SDOG economy system including storage, trading, transferring and financing within SDOG. And be aware SDOG as a community project, did not have any private sell or IEO, we distribute to all doge holders in the world.
What we look forward is to have SDOG commonly accepted by crypto world and then apply our application stage by stage.
Question 3. As you know Covid-19 has a large impact in the crypto Market, So How can your company maintain its project and also the team that are working hard during this pandemic?
Question 4. Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?
Question 5. Increase token prices, make tokens valuable, build community trust — From the above 3 aspects, I want to ask, which one is most important to you? What if all of the above is important to you? Which one will you do first?
Mr Hubert: Thank you @Smalldoge for bringing the above useful information.
Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 3 min to ask. The Smalldogecoin project will then choose 5 questions to answer.
@Smalldoge Are u ready for segment 4?
Mr Doge Small: Sure!
Mr Hubert: Ok sir!
Let’s go!
Let’s give some mins for @Smalldoge to choose 5 questions to answer.
@Smalldoge, you may proceed now.
Mr Hubert: Thanks @Smalldoge for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.
Mr Doge Small: It has been my pleasure, goodnight Vietnam.
Mr Hubert: G9 sir.
Again, don’t forget to join the Smalldogecoin community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.
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