Recap AMA The SandBox x Vietnam Coin Market Community

VietNam Coin Market
14 min readSep 16, 2020


Mr Hubert: Hello everyone,

Only 12 minutes left and the AMA event of The SandBox will be started

The representative for Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is Admin Owner @taitan296 who will run AMA and The SandBox project’s representative is @heygeorge and @sebastienborget.

Translator: @nguyetvcm

Vietnam Coin Market Group (VCM) will be locked to make the event convenient.

After Segment 2 of the Vietnam Coin Market group will be opened a chat so that the community can ask the project.

How’s everything going?

Again, it’s been my greatest pleasure to announce today’s special AMA session

“The SandBox

Today’s AMA session is composed of 4 parts:

1 — Say hello, introduce the project.

2 — AMA moderator asks the project 5 questions that will be selected first.

3 — Ask the community (unmute the channel and let the community ask questions freely on telegram. Then the guests will choose about 10 good questions to answer).

4 — Quiz — Give 5 quizzes to the community to answer.

You must complete the task at this Tweet. All violations will result in cancellation of AMA results:

Craving for the question rain ahead after I unmute the group.

Anyway, let’s get the curtain roll-up and welcome @heygeorge and @sebastienborget.

Mr Sebastien: Hi everyone 👋

Nice to meet you all!

Mr Hubert: It’s a pleasure to all of you who participated in the AMA today.

Mrs Nguyet: Glad you came to VCM. ❤️

Mr Sebastien: Today you’re going to see fun video game stuff :)

Mr Hubert: Yeah sir :))

Could you briefly introduce about yourselves as well as your project?

Mr Sebastien: Yes of course, my name is Sébastien Borget, I am the COO, co-founder of The Sandbox (

I am also the president of the Blockchain Game Alliance, a non-profit organization with 150+ members from the blockchain & gaming industry. I am an advocate for #NFTs & blockchain in games.

Nice to meet you all!

Let me do a quick intro The Sandbox. Here’s a Teaser first:

The Sandbox is a virtual world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences in the Ethereum blockchain using NFTs and $SAND, the platform’s utility token.

We are combining user-generated content (UGC) with NFTs, enabling anyone to make its own NFTs using VoxEdit (our 3D Editor). Then you can own, trade and monetize these NFTs as you want.

We’ve first listed on Binance on August 14th the main ERC20 $SAND utility token powering The Sandbox gaming virtual world. You can find us on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, we’re now in the Top #200–250 tokens.

We are also listed on Huobi as our 2nd exchange

Enter a virtual world where you can build, own and monetize games, next to gaming giants Atari, Square Enix and more!

The Sandbox metaverse invites players and creators to

- Make NFTs with VoxEdit #Voxels

- Sell and Trade them on our #Marketplace

- Create fun games with our #GameMaker

- Play, Stake & Earn $SAND #Crypto

- Play & Create with huge IPs and Brands

We are thrilled to see the demand for $SAND and also want to confirm our long term vision on buliding a gaming metaverse. We have great achievements, fantastic team, partners, ips and more. You’ll learn more about it today!
Mr Hubert: Glad you provided the information. We take a few minutes for Mrs Nguyet (@nguyetvcm) to translate this. People will understand more about you and the SandBox project.

Mr Sebastien: Sure!

Mr Hubert: Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Let’s get to the first question we’d like to know from you.

What makes the The SandBox project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?

Mr Sebastien: At its core, The Sandbox is an ecosystem for Players and Creators, consisting of three main components: a Voxel Editor (named “VoxEdit”), a Marketplace, and the Game itself.

These 3 main components are:

- First VOXEDIT: it is a 3D modeling and animating package that allows users to create and animate 3D objects such as people, animals, foliage, and tools.

- Then the MARKETPLACE: it allows users to upload, publish, and sell their ASSETS made in VoxEdit, as Non-Fungible Tokens (Both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens).

- And finally the GAME MAKER: it allows players to build 3D games for free. With the help of pre-assigned behaviors and visual settings, no coding knowledge is required.

What can players do?

We are preparing a MMO-RPG inspired gameplay, where players will need to complete quests across the map (kill enemies, collect items etc), either in lands made by players or in procedurally generated lands.

Looking forward to have our audiences to know more about the project and the views.

Players can collect tokens and resources and trade them with other players, creators, artists etc on the platform. This business model is called play-to-earn, as anything they collect in the game is truly owned by players, they can trade it to other players (inside the marketplace or outside on other websites), transfer it to other players or even resell it through our currency $SAND.

We will be opening the public beta of the game in December 2020.

Here’s another video showing the 3 products in action, captured in-game

- we have many achievements and more to be announced. Here’s below an overview

We have been for 8 years already in the video game industry!

The Sandbox project has been around since 2012 on mobile platforms and has gathered more than 40 million global installs on mobile.

We’ve been working since July 2018 (2 years ago) on the new version of the game, 3D, multiplayer, multi-platform and using blockchain technology to offer a virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain, where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences.

We’ve raised $4.5M USD from reputable investors on our Seed Round, including from Hashed (#1 cryptofund in Korea, True Global Ventures and Square Enix the video game company)

We’ve sold for more than $1,500,000 worth of #NFTs, our LANDS (ERC-721) over 4 presales, some of them finishing within minutes to a few hours with high demand. The last Presale 4 Round 1 introduced premium lands and assets and sold out 75% in 1 hour for reference on August 4th.

And yesterday; our LAND presale sold out in ….. 40 seconds!!!!

Today; we are having a new wave of presale at 1PM GMT = in 1 hour 30

Don’t miss it out

We have a large community of over 750,000 members over Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. And 50 ambassadors actively engaged in supporting our community and promoting our vision — that is really exciting!

And also 50 partnerships with award-winning game companies such as Atari, top decentralized games such as Crypto Kitties, major brands such as Shaun the Sheep to build a fun, creative “play-to-earn” Gaming platform, owned and made by players.

One more video — one between each question 🙂

Thanks for being here today and watching

Mr Hubert: It is wonderful sir. This is a blockchain game that excites both players and recommenders. Very inspiring for others sir.

Thank you, we could give some mins for our audiences to read more about the comment.

Mr Sebastien: Thanks!

Yes; you can translate.

Mr Sebastien: Ready for next question.

Mr Hubert: OK sir.

What does The SandBox plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?

Mr Sebastien: To date, The Sandbox team has secured over 50 partnerships from major brands such as Atari, Care Bears and Shaun the Sheep and award-winning mobile game studios. Partnerships include top decentralized games such as MyCryptoHeroes, Axie Infinity, and industry partners such as Matic, MakerDao, Klaytn, OpenSea, Bitski,, and DappRadar.

We’ve also new major partnerships ongoing, yet to be announced. These will be Entertainment Brands (think Hollywood Movies) and big Gaming studios.

And….. last but not least we can also count on partners like Square Enix (with their valuable portfolio of IP, including: FINAL FANTASY, DRAGON QUEST, TOMB RAIDER and many others) that participated in an investment round into The Sandbox last year.

This is our vision, to bring mainstream gaming companies and IPs into using blockchain gaming and NFTS

The Sandbox is a pioneer in the space of blockchain gaming, NFTs and true digital ownership — we have been really pushing forward the industry and awareness in general

We are creating an appealing gaming metaverse that aims at attracting all types of people: young & old players, casual & pro gamers, newbie creators & professional artists.

Making a game that is fun, visually appealing and has good mechanics so you want to stay and keep playing it for a long time is our priority

Players will not come for the technology, but for the fun and the experience. Then they can benefit from the advantages offered by our decentralized model, collecting tokens, earning rewards and being able to trade game items, their creations, lands etc

Then, besides make a great game — we have a clear growth strategy, based on

- Partnering with content companies to onboard well-known IPs.

- Conducting LAND token sales to promote the generation of user-created content.

- Conducting AMAs to educate the community.

- Constantly engaging with the public on social media channels.

- Marketing and User Acquisition to gamers, which we have experience with since we have been 8. years in the industry of games

Through the brands and their fans, we can reach mainstream gamers and creators through their favorite brands.

One more video : )

That’s it

Mr Hubert: Thanks for your great answer. :))

We take a few minutes for Mrs Nguyet and the VCM audience to approach this.

Mr Hubert: The last question is already done. Thank you @sebastienborget for bringing the above useful information.

You have ready to move to Segment 3?

Mr Sebastien: Yes. And let’s talk about $SAND 🙂.

Next, the Vietnam Coin Market Community will open a chat for the community to ask questions to the project. We will have 3 min to ask. The SandBox project will then choose 10 questions to answer.
Please do not copy questions asked by Vietnam Coin Market Community.







Let’s give some mins for @sebastienborget to choose 10 questions to answer.

@sebastienborget, you may proceed now.

Question 1. Can you list 1–3 killer features of SANDBOX that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Yes we are confident in our team capacity to execute the vision; based on the previous achievements we have talked about:

1. Our experience in Video Games; running games with 40M downloads that lasted years.

2. Our capacity to bring major IPs and Brands on the platform.

3. We understand Fun comes first; prior to blockchain. Blockchain is a technology that offers benefits to the users only if they are hooked enough for staying.

Question 2. What is the utility of $SAND tokens? What can be done on the platform with $SAND?

You’re right; we didn’t talk much about $SAND

$SAND will enable players to create, play, own, govern, trade and earn within The Sandbox virtual world gaming platform. It is the ERC-20 token that will be used all across The Sandbox metaverse.

$SAND tokens have the following utility on The Sandbox platform

1/ Medium of exchange: Players can potentially collect SAND through gameplay, and subsequently spend $SAND to play games, purchase equipment, or customize Avatar characters. Creators can spend SAND to acquire ASSETS and LAND. Artists can spend SAND to upload ASSETS to the Marketplace and buy GEMs for defining item rarity.

2/ Governance: $SAND allows holders to participate in governance decisions. SAND owners can vote themselves or delegate voting rights to other players of their choice.

3/ Staking: Users can stake $SAND tokens to earn rewards, as well as GEMs and CATALYSTs for ASSETS creation.

And of course, users can earn $SAND by participating in the platform. Every user contributes to value of our ecosystem

One more video showing some action / fights in a game made by one of our community creator

Question 3. How CAN PLAYERS AND CONTENT CREATORS benifit by using NFTs and SAND?

Your question is essentially about How can you earn $SAND by creating and playing?

- Selling ASSETS: Users can create and sell ASSETS as NFTs on the marketplace

- Owning a LAND: Buy a LAND in one of the LAND sales. Players can then either rent them or populate them with content to increase the LAND’s value.

- Building Games on the Game Maker: Creators can build and monetize games using the Game Maker on the LANDs that are owned by players.

- Playing and participating in the game: In the Game, not only can creators profit from their creations, players can play-to-earn by collecting resources, rewards, and tokens.

LANDs are a prime way to access monetization in $SAND

Question 4. There are only Two OS are currently supported by SandBox which are Windows and Mac OS.. But, as a Linux user, When can i expect Linux version of VoxEdit beta? Any Update?

Yes; we have prioritized PC and Mac as platforms because this is where 3D Artists and Game Creators are focusing first

you can play games on mobile; that will come in 2021

but creating requires precisions;

Question 5. What is play-to-earn? How can I monetize my time and activities with $SAND as a player?

Players can collect tokens and resources and trade them with other players, creators, artists etc on the platform.
This business model is called play-to-earn, as anything they collect in the game is truly owned by players, they can trade it to other players (inside the marketplace or outside on other websites), transfer it to other players or even resell it through our currency $SAND.

This is very powerful concept that means that you can invest time and monetize your play time through obtaining and trading your rewards

in a fully decentralized; permissionless manner

Question 6. I’m not a gamer but I want to explore Sandbox more and tried it. So for someone like me, do you have any guide or tutorial video, for me to learn about Sandbox? How easy to use and understand Sandbox for a non-gamers like me?

Great question ! We want to make anyone who contributes to The Sandbox earn a benefit from it — even if you a renot a Creator or Game Maker

You can see o our YouTube channel many examples of creations

Question 7. Do you think the Decentraland (MANA) as one of your competitors? How can you surpass them & what are the plans, because they are very old in this crypto market and have very good reputation ?

We think it is great to have many decentralized virtual worlds and even we share similarities, each one has its own specificities. The Sandbox is more focused on building a gaming virtual world, where players can socialize in lobbies or play adventure/mmo rpg like type of games, with quests, fights, killing enemies, collecting items and rewards etc

We have been for 8 years already in the video game industry! The Sandbox project has been around since 2012 on mobile platforms and has gathered more than 40 million global installs on mobile.

Also, NFTs allow interoperability and users have the ability to use their NFTs across these multiple platforms. This is the beauty of the metaverse

Question 8. Why is this the right time for user to invest in Sandbox ?

How big is the market opportunity for Sandbox ?

Our $SAND tokens are now traded on Binance and Huobi; two of the largest exchanges in the world; with global presence

We have a great track record; always deliveried our milestones and the game public beta is coming in December 2020

you can already see many achievements and success of our LAND sales

and NFT sales

So we hope you will want to join our adventure

We think the the future for UGC games is 100% owned by players #NFTs

The community of players, creators, artists, land owners, $SAND holders are all stakeholders and they are directly being rewarded for their contribution to the growth of The Sandbox ecosystem. Their interests and our interests are aligned, and we are always thinking users-first. This is a very community-driven approach

Question 9. Is there any way to change #Sandbox arkane linked wallet by a #Metamask wallet ???

Yes you can logout and transfer from Arkane to Metamask any time

this is part of Web3 decentralized login; you can transfer all your assets without asking or needing us to do so

Question 10. Recently you annound your new partnership with Harmony, one of my favorites projects. What do you expect to achieve together?

Thank you for following the recent announcements of The Sandbox

Yes we have just announced

Harmony will be developing bridges with Ethereum to enable moving your NFTs and trading them even faster

Question 11. The Gaming Industry is a multi-billion dollars industry with lots of well established players. So why SandBox need a blockchain?

In the current game market, the centralized ownership and control of user-generated content limits creator rights and ownership. Players and Creators cannot trade the virtual goods and digital assets they purchased or won in games.

We’re working to disrupt the model of centralized game where players do not own what they purchase

Because we have grown and spent 20 years in games where we own literrally nothing; we think this is just normal

I don’t

I want to empower players; turn them into creators and allow them to monetize their play time and the blockchain technology enables this

Hubert: Thank you @sebastienborget for replying to the community.

Hubert: Tks sir

We will go to Segment 4, the The SandBox project will ask the question. The first 10 correct answers will have a chance of winning. I will spin after AMA with these cases. Choose the luckiest one of these to receive a reward / each question.
Each person can only answer 1 time / 1 question

Please @sebastienborget to ask Quiz questions.

Quiz 1. How many years of experience has The Sandbox team in making video games?

a) Less than 1 year

b) Two years

c) 5 years

d) 8 years and more

Quiz 2. When will The Sandbox launch its public beta for players?

a) It is already launched

b) December 2020

c) July 2021

d) 2022

Quiz 3. How can users monetize their games on The Sandbox?

a) Create and sell ASSETS

b) Own a LAND and build Games

c) Play games, collect resources and trade them

d) All of the above

Quiz 4. Which game company has invested in The Sandbox equity round?

a) Atari

b) Animoca Brands

c) Square Enix

d) Activision

Quiz 5. These are the main use-case for $SAND tokens, except?

a) Stable Coin

b) Medium of Exchange

c) Governance

d) Staking

Quiz 6. How will $SAND introduce DeFi in gaming?

a) Players can stake $SAND for rewards

b) GEMS & Catalysts ERC-20 tokens can be traded freely between users and have liquidity pools

c) Creators can mint ASSETS using $SAND

d) All of the above

So the AMA The SandBox at Vietnam Coin Market (VCM) is also coming to an end. Hopefully in this direct exchange, the community has a basic understanding of The SandBox project. I am the moderator today. Congratulations to The SandBox.

Thanks @sebastienborget for joining AMA with the VCM community today. Wish you much health and success.

Again, don’t forget to join The SandBox community for further assistance. Thanks everyone.








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VietNam Coin Market
VietNam Coin Market

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